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CPU Usage 15% but Idle Proc 99%


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Right now my computer is completely idle... according to my process list. But task manager and AMD Power Manager show 15% cpu usage. It does this right from start up and I'm not sure what is causing it. I have run multiple virus scans with MBam and AVG but they don't come up with anything.


Any ideas what could be causing this?




Edited by XxHellxRaizerxX

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64 processes running seems like a lot. Your screen shot show 3 instances of Google Chrome. I don't use it but I don't know why it would show up 3 times. Try using task manager to shut down the processes 1 at a time that aren't needed to keep thinks running and see if you can find the culprit.

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64 processes running seems like a lot. Your screen shot show 3 instances of Google Chrome. I don't use it but I don't know why it would show up 3 times. Try using task manager to shut down the processes 1 at a time that aren't needed to keep thinks running and see if you can find the culprit.


Each tab is a separate process.

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Open up "resource monitor" and it will show you exactly what is running and what it's using.


Also, I've opened this up with both Vista and W7, it takes about 7 minutes after booting for things to calm down (usage wise) on both.

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