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Phenom II X2 550 - Unlock/overclock cooling concerns

Deman Risu

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Now, I've oc'ed my video card already, and it's running stable, but what about my processor?


I have a Gigabyte MA770T-UD3P motherboard, and my AMD Phenom II 550 with the stock cooler.


My question is, will it be safe for me to use ACC (what the hell is that, anyway? <_< ) to unlock the two other cores with the stock cooler, and how do I overclock (again with cooling concerns)?

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Well you can just try the unlocking. If it doesn't work then just turn the ACC thing back to normal and thats that. It isn't harmful to the CPU, well except that if you successfully unlock the 4 cores then you'll have a bit higer temps, but thats nothing that a good cooler can't solve.

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Well you can just try the unlocking. If it doesn't work then just turn the ACC thing back to normal and thats that. It isn't harmful to the CPU, well except that if you successfully unlock the 4 cores then you'll have a bit higer temps, but thats nothing that a good cooler can't solve.

Alright then - what's a good cooler for under $50 that'll do the job? (I might have to get some thermal paste as well if that's what it'll need)

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Well you can just try the unlocking. If it doesn't work then just turn the ACC thing back to normal and thats that. It isn't harmful to the CPU, well except that if you successfully unlock the 4 cores then you'll have a bit higer temps, but thats nothing that a good cooler can't solve.

I followed your advice and now my computer has no video output. I have no way to set the craping thing back, since I can't even get into the BIOS. All the lights and everything light up, but now I have no computer (which I built yesterday).


Any suggestions?

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Clear the CMOS


when you turn ACC on or off you cannot mess with other bios settings or this usually happens

to clear the CMOS open your case

in the center of the motherboard you should see a battery, circle one like in watches

there is two small metal pins sticking out next to it

touch them with a screwdriver for a few seconds, make sure they are both touching

then turn your ccmputer back on

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Because the cpu has far greater potential that that.


I oc mine up to 3.9ghz. I could either do that or unlock the cores + a lower oc like 3.5Ghz but I prefer 3.9 + dual. Getting a better cooler isn't only good for unlocking cores you see. I will +1 the Core-Contact Freezer. I've got mine and it's AWESOME. It runs very cool and quite. It's cheap + great performance. You should try aiming for 4.0Ghz as this chip can go that high, not always the case as mine won't even post on 4.0ghz but as u know each chip is different so they all yield a different performance. You never know, maybe u got lucky. :P I will share a guide I made a while back for other Phenom II users. I hope it helps you. I might try to expand it though I don't know if it's any good as it is or if it's a waste of time. Anyway, I will share it with you and again, I hope it helps a bit more. Let me know what you think. :)


P.S. You can ask me stuff in particular about this cpu because I've got it and know it well.




1.1- Get new cooler.


Prolimatech Megahalems (no fans included)

Sunbeam Core Contact Freezer 4 (120mm fan included with new technology for quieter and faster fans)

Scythe Ninja 2 (120mm fan included)

Zalman 9700 with integrated fan (LED's on certain models, comes with big useless control module thingy)

Coolermaster V8 (overkill, expensive, not much better than the others)


1.2- Get thermal paste...something like Arctic Silver 5. I find it to be quite good.



2.1 - Read guides for overclocking the Black editions.


Dolk's Guide on overclocking Phenom II's : http://www.techreaction.net/forums/showthread.php?t=367


2.2 - I guess I won't really tell you anything new that won't be said in the guide but it might be helpful for the start.


2.2.1- Look on AMD's website for your CPU's specs and what max temperatures are. So that you know when it's getting too hot to move forward (it will most probably be somewhere around 60C.)


2.2.2- Black Editions overclock using multiplier mostly. FSB can also be used but it's gonna overclock your ram and you NB as well as the CPU so a little

more to consider when using it.


2.2.3- When you start the overclock,the first thing to do is to disable the Cool 'n' Quite Feature in your Bios which will let you overclock. simply increase the multiplier in your BIOS by .5 or 1 and test after each increase. (look in testing software) After you start getting bsod, crashes or other abnormalities it's time to increase the voltage a little. Then try again, test, watch temps, repeat. You should probably back off when you reach around 1.5 voltage.


2.2.4- Simply increase the multiplier in your BIOS by .5 or 1 and test after each increase. (look in testing software) After you start getting bsod, crashes or other abnormalities it's time to increase the voltage a little. Then try again, test, watch temps, repeat. You should probably back off when you reach around 1.5 voltage.


2.2.5- After only increasing the voltage no longer works, if you want to try and push the CPU further, try increasing the CPU-NB Frequency. (stock multi is at x10 and 1.1V) Don't push it too much as well. No more than x13. If overclock doesn't work on x13 or x12 then you've probably reached the maximum for your CPU. If you still want to overclock there might be a way but it's pretty advanced stuff which you will learn through time.


2.2.6- After you are satisfied with your overclock you will need to test for 24 hourse for stability. If you do not achieve it, you will need to tinker with the bios a bit more. For example, ram could affect stability, tighten the timings or loosen them up. Either could increase stability, but it is up to you to decide if it's worth it. If not then try increasing a bit the CPU voltage and test again. If it still doesn't work. Then you will need to back of by .5 on the CPU multi, but leave the voltage, then it will probably be stable.



3.1 - Download some software that will help you monitor the temperatures and status of your PC as well as stress it to test for stability.


CPU-Z (most known and usefull program for system specs)

Everest (excellent for monitoring everything!)

Core Temp (specifically for temperature monitoring)

Hardware Monitor (yet another useful program for monitoring voltages, fan speeds etc.)


3.2 - Benchmarking and Stress Testing Software:


OCCT (very good program for testing for stability. 15 minutes should be enough for testing stability WHILE overclocking. 12 hours for final overclock - minimum.)

Prime95 (also a good program for testing. You will need to read so that you can understand how it works and be able to set it to priority 10 for maximum stress)

LinX (Run 30 times with memory usage set to "ALL" and you should have an idea if the overclock is stable.)

Intel Burn Test (Don't worry, it works for AMD too, but you need the latest version. It should quickly tell you if your overclock is stable an hour is enough I've heard.)



Warnings and additional tips:

1: Always watch the temp and voltage as it could damage the CPU greatly.

2: Know your limits. When the CPU reaches the wall, then accept it. (I learned that the hard way)

3: Learn your bios and settings, set them all or as much as possible to manual so you know that whatever you have set it, then that's what it is. No secrets.

4: If for some reason you can no longer get into the BIOS due to an overclock gone horribly bad, just reset CMOS. That will set bios settings to default and you will be able to continue your work.

5: Update bios! It can help when overclocking. (be careful though as a bios update could go very wrong and have serious consequences if don't wrong)

6: Some small tricks for calculating:

CPU SPEED: CPU Multiplier x FSB = CPU SPEED (lets take my 550 for example.: x15.5x200=3.100Ghz)

NB SPEED: Almost the same as above: NB multi x FSB = NB Freq. (it's all tied to the FSB but it's not necessary to use it when overclocking a Black Edition. Makes you life easier.)

7: If your CPU is stable but you still want, you could tighten ram timings for a few more drops of speed. Guide on timings: http://www.overclock.net/faqs/26706-info-r...gs-dummies.html

Edited by ballist1x

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