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Water Cooling liquids ?


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So i finally got all my parts together. Now i need to find what i am going to use in my loop; Is there such thing as the best ?

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I use 2 mixes.

30ish % antifreeze the rest tap water. (24/7 /365) Only use antifrezze to kill the bugs/algae

90% Antifrezze. (Benchmarking)

Water cools better then antifreeze, you may want to switch that up for benching.


I run like 90% distilled 10% antifreeze(but its 50/50 mix so really 95% distilled 5% antifreeze) all the time, and did not notice a difference in temps from pure distilled.


Thinking about switching to 50/50 water and water wetter, but its expensive and I'm cheap :lol:.

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