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Tempertures holding me back???

Gopher Love

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Ok, well I came here completely new to overclocking and now i'm a pro! HAHAHA Joking... I know alot more though now. All of that due to you guys's help.


So my sys is in the sig and right now i'm COMPLETELY stuck at 3.9 and can't get ANY higher.. even 3.9 is pretty dang unstable.


I'm wondering if it's my temperatures that are keeping it from being stable at any higher clocks... I know my settings probably aren't perfected and could probably be alot better but... I've read that phenoms don't like higher than 4GHz without extreme cooling.. be it water, DICE, or LN2....


So do you guys think that it might be partially my temperatures? Like I said, I need more knowledge in OCing but I have it very stable at 3.8GHz so i know my settings are... pretty good... I need to learn more about voltages, the NB/HT settings and whatnot and I need to learn ALOT more about memory settings and set all that a little better... my timings are high and it's only running at 800MHz.. its 1600MHz RAM....


If anyone wants it i'll post all my settings and whatnot and maybe someone can help me to make this little lady hit 4.0! that's all I want... not a 24/7 stable but I want to hit 4.0 and be able to run something.. even if it's super-PI!

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i have the same problem i want to put my 955 to 4.0Ghz but its unstable. i havent messed with the CPU NB, NB, and HT. i am in middle of building a WC setup for it. ill let u know if u can squeeze any more out of it. but then again every chip is different so will see.


my temp @ 3.8 are : 40c idle and 55c load.

Edited by insan3

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take your computer setup outside and run it on your front porch tonight, then your air cooler will work great

you may have to run past the voltage red line as well

Edited by potatochobit

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K, heres the stable setup I got right now...



205 @ 18.5X making 3792MHz but I can push it to 19X and everything but prime95 will run stable for a little while.


HT Link - 2460MHZ (12X multiplier) ... Same for CPU-NB

NB 1.2500V

Memory 546MHz 8-8-8-20

idles (depending on ambient temp) between 30C and 35C

Load temps (again depending on ambient.. I can get my room around 10C it's cold but it helps my CPU temps) max at about 55C with prime95


And insan3... i'm working on a water cooling setup too so you'll probably have yours first.. let me know how it goes. I got X-Mas stuff to buy so it'll be a few weeks before I get all the parts.

Edited by Gopher Love

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Dont mess with your ambient temps. Changing them will only allow you to acess a level (if its temp related) which you cannot keep 24-7.


no point in a overclock if it only runs when its snowing in your room.


Your idles aren't exaclty horrible either, changing your room temp is messing with a variable that shouldn't be equated, unless you enjoy using your room as a penguin shelter.



focus on load temps for CPU & NB, and the "act" of cooling them. If your computer is peaking, try modifying case/cpu cooler while its running (i.e add another fan, change positioning lightly) and see how it effects the cooling of it overall.

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