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Mandatory Firearm Safety Education


Mandatory Firearm Safety Education?  

46 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think?

    • Yes, definitely.
    • It should be easily available but not mandatory
    • No, not at all.

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teach a man to fish , and he will feed his family.

teach a child to shoot, and he will rob me in 20 yrs.


honestly, i believe children shouldn't be allowed to be taught gun safety until they are old enough to purchase their own gun.


do we teach children how to drink and drive safer? no, because they shouldn't be doing it.


it takes a tiny little piece of brain to use gun safety. and should be easily seen if someone isn't ready.

then it will just be the cops shooting children.

people try to say that children deserve the right as well if the parent's teach them.

most kids can't keep their hand out of the cookie jar, i don't want my son, or my safety to be at the beck an call of some teenagers emotions.


gotta be 21 to drink, but you are going to give a child a rifle @ 16 -shakes head-


look up how many people die via drunk driving, people can't even handle that.


and people who want to say "its our right", well give me half of the rights we are supposed to have and we can talk.

This is so out of left field I don't even know how to respond to it other than "Wow. That's not how the world works."


As for the "it's our right" argument - I'm not happy losing ANY of my rights and I'll fight my damnedest to make sure we don't lose any more even if I don't personally agree with them.


makes me think the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

Why? I'm talking armed robberies, gun-related deaths, etc. They happen far less per capita in states with more loose gun laws.

Edited by Waco

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The amount of gun crime in the US is due to a cultural difference to Europe. We all know that, now let's get over it and talk about the original point, eh?

:lol: Fine with me.


I'd be perfectly fine with something similar to how driver's licenses are set up today (albeit more strict). You want a gun, you have to take a training course and get a permit.

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Why? I'm talking armed robberies, gun-related deaths, etc. They happen far less per capita in states with more loose gun laws.

uh i think you misunderstand, i'm saying in states with less gun related crime, less regulation is required and so less regulation exists.

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uh i think you misunderstand, i'm saying in states with less gun related crime, less regulation is required and so less regulation exists.

I see it the other way around. :P


The regulation doesn't help at all...not many crimes are committed with legally obtained guns.

Edited by Waco

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The regulation doesn't help at all...not many crimes are committed with legally obtained guns.

they could have been legally obtained in a state with less regulation...


no point making a big argument out of it i suppose, as long as guns exist they will always be a problem regardless of what policy is set out to deal with them.


personally i'm glad guns are illegal in my country. not once have i ever felt threatened by the possibility of gun violence.

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Y'all shouldn't have 'em in the first place ;)


But, as you do, then yes - I agree that firearm safety should be a requirement... not to be taught in schools, but like a driving test. You need to be certified to own a gun, and the test is repeated at 5 year intervals or so.


We shouldn't have them in the first place? What an... enlightening statement. I'm happy you trust others with the protection of your home and family but in my mind that is pretty ridiculous. Fact of the matter is, if you're a criminal and you want a firearm, even in a country where it is illegal to own one, you're going to obtain one. Making firearms illegal only hurts those law-abiding citizens who do follow the rules, putting as at a disadvantage when it comes to protecting ourselves, our property and our families. Should this be the freakin' Wild West? No. Should I be kept by law from owning firearms when I am a responsible owner and follow all the applicable state and federal laws? No, again. You are, of course, entitled to your opinion, and I mine.


I don't know if you've ever met any police officers here in the states... but for the most part, I wouldn't trust them to watch my dog, much less "protect" me. Give me a break...

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"Bowling for Columbine" is more than a documentation on the Columbine high school shooting. It is an in-depth analysis on the current state (2004) of the USA as opposed to other countries around the world which do not have guns handed to them on a silver platter.


A project by Michael Moore, it starts off with him receiving a FREE shotgun just for opening a freaking BANK ACCOUNT. Now I'm sorry, but the USA in my mind, when it gets to the point that your average bank gives out shotguns, assault rifles, snipers, crossbows, handguns, you name it, just for opening a bank account with them, has something SERIOUSLY wrong with it.


What's wrong? Gun crime is on the rise.

How do we combat that? Give people more guns to shoot the offenders.


Pardon me?


Don't teach people how to use the bloody things, for goodness sake. Stop handing them out, maybe?


(And I'm sorry, but this subject really makes me rage. I'm sorry if I offend. This doesn't target you guys, but sometimes I wonder how long it will take until this gets addressed...)


Wow, you view a Michael Moore film as a documentary? I don't know what to say... I'm sorry?

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I'm saddened (and a little surprised) that people actually watch and believe the absolute crap that Moore produces. Calling anything he produces a documentary is an insult to the genre.


Guns don't just get "handed to people on a silver platter." States with the HIGHEST carry rates have the LOWEST incidents of gun-related crime. Think about that for a second.


States with the strictest gun laws have the highest gun-related crime rates. Again, ponder that.


I know you guys across the pond don't like guns but removing them from lawful possession isn't the right way to do it. If you take away the guns from lawful citizens only the outlaws will have them.


As for the poll - the training should be mandatory for anyone buying a gun. I don't think it should be mandatory in schools but I wouldn't mind seeing it as an option.


Yeah but that's the thing. The inverse law you see there is because, if you enforce a strict rule, as opposed to a guideline, people will feel more inclined to go out of their way to break it because humanity doesn't like to be controlled. One of your states removed the death sentence at one point I think, and crime dropped thereafter? It may have been a different country.


But I digress, across the board, if there are more guns, then there will be more gun related crime. The UK doesn't allow a normal citizen to carry a gun at all, but gun crime isn't through the roof because guns are very hard to come-by here. Look at the law around knife crime here. Everyone has a knife in one form or another, be them kitchen knives, carpenters tools, etc. so we have amazing rates of knife related deaths and injuries instead :P Although, fireworks are now becoming a weapon-of-choice...


And it would be stupid to only take guns away from select people and I'm not a stupid person. It would have to be a nationwide sweep. Everywhere. The problem with that though is that It would cost the government millions, thus they just won't do it, and then they complain and argue about rates of gun crime just to make it look like they're addressing the problem.


So people acquire more guns, more guns are used in crimes, more people get shot, and the problem escalates. I honestly believe that your gun safety training wouldn't do a thing, except stop people from blowing their own faces off :D Psychological analysis could rule out those who could pose a threat with a firearm, but even that won't be the be-all-end-all of the issue.


The fix is, making bullets cost $5000 a pop :thumbs-up:


they could have been legally obtained in a state with less regulation...


no point making a big argument out of it i suppose, as long as guns exist they will always be a problem regardless of what policy is set out to deal with them.


personally i'm glad guns are illegal in my country. not once have i ever felt threatened by the possibility of gun violence.

...Yeah, I'll end here xD +1

Edited by Danrik

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We shouldn't have them in the first place? What an... enlightening statement. I'm happy you trust others with the protection of your home and family but in my mind that is pretty ridiculous. Fact of the matter is, if you're a criminal and you want a firearm, even in a country where it is illegal to own one, you're going to obtain one. Making firearms illegal only hurts those law-abiding citizens who do follow the rules, putting as at a disadvantage when it comes to protecting ourselves, our property and our families. Should this be the freakin' Wild West? No. Should I be kept by law from owning firearms when I am a responsible owner and follow all the applicable state and federal laws? No, again. You are, of course, entitled to your opinion, and I mine.


I don't know if you've ever met any police officers here in the states... but for the most part, I wouldn't trust them to watch my dog, much less "protect" me. Give me a break...


Please learn to recognise humour before replying.

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