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Running in high 20's at idle... normal?


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Hi all,


I am a total noob and have just finished my first build. I have a i7 860 and the cooler master hyper 212 plus. my cpu temp is around 27C at the time I am posting this. Is that considered good or at least decent?


What's the normal temp for core i7 960 at idle or under full load? Again, I am a noob and I just want to make sure my computer is running okay.


Thanks in advance.

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Take it thats running stock Mhz/Volts ?


Cos if its clocked thats a very good idle :)


Mine is 37 oC (on water)


Yeah... I am running at stock mhz/volts. Not brave enough to do any overclocking yet since is my first build.



I am checking the temps with Everest Ult. Edition. Is that an accurate program? I am going to run prime95 and will report back how it goes! :)

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Yeah... I am running at stock mhz/volts. Not brave enough to do any overclocking yet since is my first build.



I am checking the temps with Everest Ult. Edition. Is that an accurate program? I am going to run prime95 and will report back how it goes! :)


I use real temp seems to be right.


I have a i7 860 @ 4.0 runs A1. If i was you if your going to run prime95 i would just turn it up just a little. Leave the volts ect as std and just run it at ??? 3.2Ghz thats a very low clock for a 860 or 920. This will give you a good base to judge the temps.



For gods sake dont take my word as gospel. Only been clocking Intel for a few weeks/mths


Edit: The good thing i have found with Intel as to AMD is they forgive you (a little) I got it wrong with the volts on an AMD a few years ago and was out the next day buying new CPU and MB.


Iam a real noob but had this 860 to 4.51 Ghz and stable ish to do a Vantage @ 4.3.

Edited by Danny_75

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Yeah... I am running at stock mhz/volts. Not brave enough to do any overclocking yet since is my first build.



I am checking the temps with Everest Ult. Edition. Is that an accurate program? I am going to run prime95 and will report back how it goes! :)


I use everest myself, ( Gotta love the sidebar support ) always seems to match up with most everything else. I'm not sure if they've updated it but it would read proper GPU temps, but it would switch them around, I used a few other GPU programs mainly GPU-z to figure out which ones to relabel. I think this is pretty much the only bug I found in the last version I used.


I also use IBT and OCCT for stability. IBT is fast, and will give you a quicker and more accurate stability test them Prime 95. But in doing so it will also raise the temps on average 8-15 degrees higher then any prime95 test. I would easily be able to be 2hr stable with prime95, but would fail IBT within 30 seconds. I get ibt to run for an hour or occt to run for an hour and you can easily pass any 24+hour prime95 test.

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I just ran Prime95 for 10 hours and everything seemed okay. The CPU reached around 51C and stayed there for the entire time. I didn't overclock my CPU yet. Is that considered good?


Aye, I would say they are pretty good. Take your timein clocking it. Baby steps are much nicer then jumping in head first. I would advise you to read all the how to's here on the forums with a finetooth comb. Tons of info. All useful :). Good luck and have fun.

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