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What is the real maximum voltage for my RAM and CPU?


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Your temps are the MAIN thing..Watch 'em..You can dump all the voltage you want on stuff as long as the temps stay ok and you're stable..Your mobo mfgr might have the NB temp spec for you, maybe..Send some e-mails to the mfgr's if you can't find stuff.


Whatever you do, do not listen to this poster's comment. The voltages you put through your hardware are very important, as running voltages too high can cause your hardware to degrade or fail all together. AMD's website will provide you with your chip's maximum safe voltages. Same goes for your other hardware: check the manufacturers' websites.


Come on now, man, you really should think twice before spreading such potentially dangerous information. Advice like this could lead to someone burning up their rig...

Edited by Bizzlenitch

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Bumping for my nb question.


Your maximum NB frequency is going to vary from board to board. No two boards, even the same exact part number, are going to perform exactly the same. As long as your overclock is stable I would imagine your NB is operating at an adequate frequency. Should you get reboots and other system abnormalities I'd said either add more voltage to your NB (within safe specs. of course) or reduce your overclock as you've likely reached your limit. Just a thought...

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OK I'm in the middle of fixing the ram timings n stuff... but theres something weird about the ram voltage. Now when I showed the ss on the first page it said that the ram is at 1.28V or something like that. In the bios the DRAM VOLTAGE is 1.680V. So...wuts going on here?


EDIT:Ok I think this HW monitor is busted. When I changed the voltage it is still showing the same value...what a total noob. What can I use to check ram voltage?

Edited by ballist1x

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btw over-volting can give false/improper readouts on alot of programs such as hwmonitor that show voltage/temps


if i bring my CPUVID over 1.6 things start slowly reporting funny. but thats kinda overkill , the same theory would apply i assum

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1.6 is stock voltage...it's not over -volted. Well I'm not sure I will need more than 1.8V which is perfectly in the safe zone. Tomorrow I will see how things go when I start the new overclocking. Unless I feel lazy. Better do it when I feel like it cuz half an hour ago I wanted to try it...but I was like "I'll just do a little test" so I rushed things and forgot to up the cpu voltage and ended up with a non posting PC so I had to res cmos. So thats the story.

Edited by ballist1x

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OK I'm in the middle of fixing the ram timings n stuff... but theres something weird about the ram voltage. Now when I showed the ss on the first page it said that the ram is at 1.28V or something like that. In the bios the DRAM VOLTAGE is 1.680V. So...wuts going on here?


EDIT:Ok I think this HW monitor is busted. When I changed the voltage it is still showing the same value...what a total noob. What can I use to check ram voltage?



Have you tried AMD OverDrive utility? you don't have to OC through it (you can though) but it does report a lot of system info for your reference. :)

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