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Let the OC BEGIN!!!!!!!


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I made a jump from 3.6 to 4.0 (ops :] ), then I let it chill at 3.7. Vcore currently at default (manually set) 1.264 V.


Basically right now this is the max I can get out of the cpu just by poking the multi.


What is next step? I'm guessing that I gotta do something to the NB so that I can run 4.0. Before that I wanna go 3.8-3.9, but again I think that I have to adjust NB...I just dunno how :[


The next step would be to get the video camera ready to take your reaction to the CPU going kaboom!


Going from 3.6 to 4GHz? :thumbs-up:


I think you should do the following:


1. Take a step back and read the advice everyone has given thus far

2. Leave your voltages and FSB alone

3. Adjust your multiplier for the CPU up by one click at a time

4. Test for stability (run OCCT for at least 15 mins) and monitor temps

5. Once stable repeat process again


Once you have reached your maximum as far as stability and temps ... then look at the other avenues to promote stability and prevent bottlenecks.


BREATHE! And take your time or you are going to blow the hell out of it and then be upset.


Remember that overclocking is not a guarantee, and that your speeds may not be as high as someone else's.

Edited by OCFreak

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I made a jump from 3.6 to 4.0 (ops :] ), then I let it chill at 3.7. Vcore currently at default (manually set) 1.264 V.


Basically right now this is the max I can get out of the cpu just by poking the multi.


What is next step? I'm guessing that I gotta do something to the NB so that I can run 4.0. Before that I wanna go 3.8-3.9, but again I think that I have to adjust NB...I just dunno how :[



Try bumping up the voltage one increment at a time and testing.


if upping the voltage does not aid in stability, bring it back down, and bump your NB multiplier up and test (NB multi is x10 by default)


I would give this a good read

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Thanks. I should consider myself lucky that I didn't kill mah CPU.


I'll run occt now, and after that continue as you said untill I find the real max.


After that, I'll be back. (lol i said "I'll be back")

Edited by ballist1x

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So I'm currently running OCCT on 3.6Ghz multi @ 18.0. Before that I had it on 18.5 and my pc restarted as soon as it past 1 minute of idle testing. Now I'll see if 18.0x is good, and then maybe increase the voltage a little and try 18.5 again.

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Managed to get it to 3.8 with a multi of x19.0 and coreV to 1.360. Ran 16 minutes of OCCT without errors. (pc crashes if voltage is less). Now I'm going out to get a laptop and when I come back I will resume the overclocking.

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I can't seem to get more than 3.8. If I go to 3.9 PC always freeses on the occt test. I tried uping the voltage and uping the NB multi. Right now specs are: Speed : 3.9Ghz _ Multi.: x19.5 _ Core Voltage: 1.40 _ CPU NB Clock Ratio: x12


After I uped the NB I only get an error instead of a freez. What do I do naw?

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I can't seem to get more than 3.8. If I go to 3.9 PC always freeses on the occt test. I tried uping the voltage and uping the NB multi. Right now specs are: Speed : 3.9Ghz _ Multi.: x19.5 _ Core Voltage: 1.40 _ CPU NB Clock Ratio: x12


After I uped the NB I only get an error instead of a freez. What do I do naw?


You call it a day. I would not bring up your NB that high at all ... anything over 2200MHz and you are going to likely run into stability issues.


There comes a time when you can't go any further ... you found it. Congratulations on your overclock.


22% OC isn't bad.

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Thanks alot. I couldn't have done it without everyones help (also I learned some new stuff). I did have higher hopes for this. I guess hopes, they will stay. Maybe I'll try again when I know more.



Time for GPU OC. First gotta read more. I already read some stuff and I think it's a little trickier than the CPU.



EDIT: One question: How much voltage can I add on this cpu before it's too much? Or does it depend ot the temp, meaning that I can add as much as I want, as long as it stays cool? Because I have a feeling that if I just put a little more I could get past the OCCT test.

Edited by ballist1x

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It greatly depends on your Temp, but I would not put more than 1.5v on that CPU ... ever. That is just me though.


As for the video card use FurMark and RivaTuner.

Edited by OCFreak

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Ok I think I'm getting greedy but I managed to push it to 3.9Ghz. It seems to be stable. I ran 18 minutes of Prime95. Speaking of stability tests, I think this OCCT is kinda fishy...last time I ran it at 3.9 it crashed, but with prime everything went well, was running cpu at max, ram at max and no crashes or errors. I don't think I can trust occt...is it even for AMD?? Prime95 is. So I'll keep what I got now, and ... I hope no problems occur. I am kinda sad that I didn't get to 4.0Ghz but that seems impossible, since no matter what I do in the bios, the PC doesn't boot EVER. I guess 3.9Ghz is really the final FINAL FINAL oc that I can get from this chip. Well thats it for now. I'm glad I was able to do it, and thanks again to everyone that helped me get to where I am now (well actually where my cpu is but anyway).


Here is a img of my accomplishment: (if you notice the track that is playing in the background in winamp, I just felt I wanted to hear it ,in honor so to say, of my oc.

Edited by ballist1x

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I guess I can do the ram later (even if it's underclocked >.> cuz of crucials failsafe).

Why do you keep typing this. I've already posted twice if HTT is at 200 you can set the ram to its rated speed of 1333. Really nothing more for me to add.

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