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Phenom II x3 720 BE

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Is there something wrong with this processor? I just order it with a mobo today because it's 2.8 ghz and I had read reviews but I hear it's from crippled Quad cores? so was it a mistake buying it or is it a really good processor?


people had said since it's from a "bad" processor that it has a high chance of going bad? is this true? I hope I didnt order a bad processor but newegg all had positive reviews. either way Im just gonna be gaming mainly

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I have been running the 720 x3 for a few months now and my experience has been great. It's not overclocked or anything but it's run stable since day 1. I have read about the quad core relationship to the x3 but have not verified it. For the money it's a great proc. And as far as a gaming proc, this one does better than my 9950 deneb quad core BE. Smooth gameplay in everything from Crysis to Counterstrike Source. It's in a MSI KA780G motherboard with a Radeon 4850 Graphics card. Don't worry, It's a VERY capable proc. You'll be happy with it. I sure am.

Edited by zedsed420

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Guess I was just worried since the 4th core of the X3's is either unstable or "broken" that it like might mess up the other cores?



btw in OCC's review of the 710 and 810... why does it outperform the 810? i noticed they mentioned something about AM2+ based processors. was the 810 an AM2+?

Edited by CoolMaster

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I have a 720BE (as you can very well see below) and i love it!!! :lol::lol::lol:


I can see where you might be hesitant though. Initially, AMD had some manufacturing issues with 45nm and it caused some faults in either the cores or the cache.. so instead of throwing out these proccies AMD disabled whatever was faulty on them and sold them as an x3/x2 or with less cache (x4 810). Though as their 45nm matured, there were most likely less faulty chips, but the demand for the x3s was enough to have AMD disable perfectly good x4s to make them. Chances are today (imo) that an x3 probs has a good 4th core...


and no, the X4 810 is an AM3 cpu, not an am2+


I think you'll be very happy with the X3 720 B:)

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I had read reviews but I hear it's from crippled Quad cores?

It is...but why does that bother you? They disable the unstable core and the other three are still 100% capable of doing whatever you ask them to do.

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+1 no issues if you disable the crippled core, if it exists..

I've been running mine with the 4th core unlocked for quite some time now.. Just had to bump the HT voltage, though it might not be needed in all cases..

It's a great processor!!

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btw compared to the old E6300 C2D's do these phenom II x3's require much more power/

I have a 650 watt power supply tho


CPU's aren't the real big concern with wattage use, its the GPU that usually takes up a lot of power. So your good I think :)

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