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Aion performance. Help needed, please.


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Hi everyone, I would please like some help with this following mater. I have a very decent hardware and should be able to run AION somoothly, seeing the game's recomended settings (I have way better stuff than needed -- check my configuration and the end of the post please). The thing is, when runing with everything maxed out (4xAA, 1680x1050) I, sometimes (pretty frequent) experience FPS ratings even lower than 30FPS! And more, it doesn't matter if the AA is on 0x or 8x (yeah I AM "applying" the settings) or even if I tweak other graphic efects, even vSync, the FPS diference is, at best, 5 on avarage from the ALL MAXED to the ALL LOWERED. Another interesting fact is that when I ask the game to set the "recomended" settings for my rig with the auto-scan function it maxes out everything and put the resolution on the max possible, meaning the game was made for and knows that it should run fully maxed with my settings. So, thing is I run Crysis perfectly maxed (except from shadders, which is on medium) with 2xAA, 1680x1050 at an avarage 55FPS (no kidding) and run other demanding games maxed out, like Farcry2, DawnOfWar2, UnrealTournament3 etc. The only games I got problems with is AION and AgeOfConan. So, on the AION mater, please (check of my hardware) and tell me, is there any tweek or anything, like a driver (nVidia) that works better with AION (no, the LAST ones -RE NOT always -and for most of games this is sadly true- exacly the BETTER ones to run an especifc game with max FPSs possible), anything. Some people even told me that I should take my soundcard (Razer Barracuda AC-1) off and test the game's FPS, I fail to see why and how could this improve my FPS rating that much, since it (at least should) increases it (on theory) by taking work of the Motherboard, so I didn't tryed that (yet, if anyone convinces me with how it could work, I might give a try). So, again, anything (BIOS tweeks, drivers, etc.) that can help me, I would be VERY GLAD! Just be ware the I ALREADY tried all the basic stuff, like cleaning and reisntaling AION (compleatly) and nVidia ForceWare and nForce drivers trough Windows safe-mode, using driver sweper toll and re-downloading everything. And, NO, none of theese "solutions" have worked. Sorry for the long post! And thanks for reading.


Computer settings:


_Microsoft Windows Vista x64bits.

_Intel QX6800 2.9GHz OC'd to 3.5GHz. (temps. go to 74C. at peak with full load, thanks to Noctua's NH-U12P Heatsink with 2xNoctua 120mm coolers)

_EVGA nVidia nForce 780i. (A1 Version, with last BIOS -- P80)

_4x2GB DDR2 800Mhz Patriot Viper RAM. (5-5-5-15 timing, non-OC'd)

_PNY nVidia geForce GTX295 VGA 829MBx2. (multi-GPU/SLI on, Physx on, non-OC'd, last 190.62 WHQL drivers)

_Razer Barracuda AC-1 Gaming Sound Card 24bit and 96KHz interface. (Last 2.23 Vista non-WHQL drivers -- WHQL unaviable from Razer)

_1000W Akasa Power Max 80+ and SLI certified Power Supply Unit. (1100w at low temps. and peak load)

_2x500GB Samsung Spinpoint 7200RMP HDs with 8MB of cache each. (Never crashed, never had any problem)

Edited by Lortheron

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it is a relatively new game there might be some bugs with SLI or something.

also how's your ping in-game?


Pings is around 400ms, not great I know, but VERY playable and not even close to high enogh to afect the actual FPS. BTW, confirmed that when I turn one of GPUs off the FPS increases around 8 to 12 on avarege compared to when SLI is on, its not as good has it should run, but it is alot more smooth (since, most of the times its always runing on more than 30fps with ecerything maxed 4xAA and 1680x1050 with vSync on). Again, that is using only one GPU on videocard that is made to use always both. Using only one GPU in the GTX295 is the same runing an hypothetical "GTX270", so FPS is far from great... Guess the game has some REAL bad SLI support, which is a shame (specialy when I consider the price of an HD5870 compared to a GTX295...).

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Pings is around 400ms, not great I know, but VERY playable and not even close to high enogh to afect the actual FPS. BTW, confirmed that when I turn one of GPUs off the FPS increases around 8 to 12 on avarege compared to when SLI is on, its not as good has it should run, but it is alot more smooth (since, most of the times its always runing on more than 30fps with ecerything maxed 4xAA and 1680x1050 with vSync on). Again, that is using only one GPU on videocard that is made to use always both. Using only one GPU in the GTX295 is the same runing an hypothetical "GTX270", so FPS is far from great... Guess the game has some REAL bad SLI support, which is a shame (specialy when I consider the price of an HD5870 compared to a GTX295...).


Well, ping won't affect your FPS, but I'm surprised to see that anywhere above 80 is playable.

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Well, ping won't affect your FPS, but I'm surprised to see that anywhere above 80 is playable.


Yeah, if you check WoW, for example, the "Yellow zone" (which following what Blizzard says) is still OK to play, and that only starts at 500ms (if I remember it right) and goes until 800ms or 900ms, which is the "Red zone" and not recomended to play, anything bellow 500ms IS GREEN, no mater if it is 80 or 400, its all pretty playable. BTW, we are talking about mileseconds, 1000ms = 1second. So realy, its not laggy at all to play at, lets say, 600ms, you'll just have a small disvantage on PvP agaist people with real low pings, like 50 or lower. Anyways, has said, very playable.

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Well, ping won't affect your FPS, but I'm surprised to see that anywhere above 80 is playable.

It's an MMORPG...pings in the 500 range are common and don't really affect game play. You have to get over 600 to actually notice most of the time.

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Has a mirrored post here:



Don't see the point of posting a copy here.. all you have to do is wait for responses...

Are you really complaining that he asked on two totally separate forums? <_<

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey dude im playing as well on the Vaizel server.

My sys specs

i7 920 at 3.8

6gb xtreemdark 1600mhz @ 1490

Inno3d GTX275

Ping around 500-700ms.

with everything maxed out.



Out of morhiem i average between 140-210fps. In town i drop to about 90-130 but in pandamonium or any other really heavily pop place i drop to easy 30-50 fps.


If your FPS are based on heavily pop places then dont worry, but if your out of town with next to no one then one of these guys should help you out coz i got no idea!

Edited by Nehalemi7

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