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What can be done with a 2,4 Intel Core Quad?


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Hello, overclockersclub.


This is my first post here, and I am looking to explore the world as a overclocker.

Today my Motherboard crashed under a BIOS-flash and I am looking to by a new 775 board to continue using my Intel Core Quad 2,4GHz.

However what I am wondering is how much can I get out of my CPU, and when overclocking can I just continue to OC until I am close to 55-60C' while loaded?


What kind of cooling should I by for my 775CPU? And is water-cooling kit really worth it?

How important is the PSU power? I am currenly using a 400W PSU, and I am not sure if or how much better PSU I need.

Another question is: What would you do if you have $250 to use on CPU? Buy a CPU for $150 and a fan for $100, or a CPU with standard fan for $250?


Thanks for any answers you can provide me.


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A good CPU cooler will get you 99% of the way there.


Almost every Q6600 (which I assume you have) will hit 3.2 GHz with decent cooling and a simple overclock.


400x8 and ~1.4 vcore will get nearly every Q6600 to 3.2 GHz with no hassle on a decent motherboard. You just have to remember to set your memory timings so your RAM stays at 800 MHz.

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what country do you live in , this determines price of parts .


we need to know what your specs are

cpu,mobo,gfx,ram etc . more detail makes it easyer to help

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I do not have any other parts, as I will buy a new 775 Motherboard to my Q6600.

And as my old DDR2 card's needs to get replaced with DDR3 I do not have RAM.

I also gave away my NVIDIA GeForce 8800GTS to my brother when the Mobo crashed.

Edited by CCCA

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I do not have any other parts, as I will buy a new 775 Motherboard to my Q6600.

And as my old DDR2 card's needs to get replaced with DDR3 I do not have RAM.

I also gave away my NVIDIA GeForce 8800GTS to my brother when the Mobo crashed.


um ok this just confuses me , you have a Q6600 , this is a start.

you will need a good socket 775 mobo for overclocking.

im not really upto dates with mobos but DDR3 doesnt give much preformance over DDR2 , just costs alot more

so you will need a new GPU with this?

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um ok this just confuses me , you have a Q6600 , this is a start.

you will need a good socket 775 mobo for overclocking.

im not really upto dates with mobos but DDR3 doesnt give much preformance over DDR2 , just costs alot more

so you will need a new GPU with this?

for the board ep45-ud3r or ud3p , asus p5q / pro/deluxe , for the card just wait a little bit and maybe you will be able to get one of 5..... or 4890 or 4870 or whatever card you want ...............and yes ddr3 is not better than ddr2 in performance especially games and in price as well ........good luck :) ...................

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As I said my mobo crashed, and now I am looking to buy a good 775 mobo to OC my Intel Core 2 Quad 2,4GHz Q6600,

I thought of the Rampage Extreme or FTW, however I do not know what I should be looking for, and both these uses DDR3.

Also if I can by a Mobo as good as Rampage or FTW with DDR2 I would be happy not needing to replace my RAM.

I will also buy a new Video Graphic Card, and need help finding a good CPU fan for my 775 socket.

Also how important is the PSU, I currently got a 400W, and I am wondering if I sould be looking for a better one?


So if someone can help me find a good mobo for OCing my CPU, with DDR2 I would be very happy, as I am not sure what to look after.

Edited by CCCA

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Almost every Q6600 (which I assume you have) will hit 3.2 GHz with decent cooling and a simple overclock.


400x8 and ~1.4 vcore will get nearly every Q6600 to 3.2 GHz with no hassle on a decent motherboard. You just have to remember to set your memory timings so your RAM stays at 800 MHz.

This ^^^ is all really great info. He is absolutely right from what I've seen (I have a Q6600 too and I've done quite a bit of research on how they OC).


And as my old DDR2 card's needs to get replaced with DDR3 I do not have RAM.

You don't need to upgrade to DDR3 at all. In fact, that really wouldn't be a smart way to go with your chip. The Q6600 has such a low FSB that it really won't benefit from the higher speeds of DDR3. Just look for a nice kit of DDR2-800 with 4-4-4-12 timings and low stock voltage and you'll be all set (and you'll save a few bucks too).


As I said my mobo crashed, and now I am looking to buy a good 775 mobo to OC my Intel Core 2 Quad 2,4GHz Q6600,

I thought of the Rampage Extreme or FTW, however I do not know what I should be looking for, and both these uses DDR3.

Also if I can by a Mobo as good as Rampage or FTW with DDR2 I would be happy not needing to replace my RAM.

I will also buy a new Video Graphic Card, and need help finding a good CPU fan for my 775 socket.

Also how important is the PSU, I currently got a 400W, and I am wondering if I sould be looking for a better one?


So if someone can help me find a good mobo for OCing my CPU, with DDR2 I would be very happy, as I am not sure what to look after.

Honestly, I think the Rampage Extreme is a waste of money. A LOT of people look at those boards for their 775 chips but I just don't see the value. Personally, I would recommend either a Gigabyte EP45-UD3R or a Gigabyte EP45-DS4P just depending on how much you want to spend. Either of those will do a great job and will save you a bunch of money. With P45 chipsets, you really don't have to spend a bunch of money to get a board that will OC well.


As for the PSU, it is very important. If you're not OCing you can get away with just a 'decent' PSU but if you want to OC then it's best to spend a little more and get something really solid. Depending on what video card you get, 400W may be enough to run your system, but that's only if your PSU is of good quality. If it's a cheap-o brand, you're going to want (maybe even need) to replace it.


As for picking graphics cards, coolers, and PSUs for you, that's going to be hard to do without knowing your budget. Plenty of people will come in here and just pick a bunch of really expensive stuff that they want, but to really balance everything out as best we can, we should know how much you're looking to put into this. (You mentioned $250 before. Is that your budget or did you just make that up for your hypothetical question?)

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Thanks Verran.


It was a hypothetical question, at the time I do not want to use much more the $1500,

I would like to se different speccs , what should I buy, and what work together.

I also found out that my RAM is : 2x 500mhz PC2 8000, 1GB

Also my current PSU is a chieftec 400W.


What I would like to do now is OCing my Q6600, buying a new mobo 775.

Keep using my NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTS.

Buying a PSU good enought to OC'ing.

Getting a new CPU Fan that will work well for OC'ing.



Edited by CCCA

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I am currently looking at this specc:


ASUS P5E Deluxe, X48, Socket-775

Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 2,4GHz

NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTS

2x PC2 8000 1GB RAM

Chieftec 400W

Noctua NH-C12P CPU Fan


Anyone have any tips?

And should I buy a better PSU?




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I am currently looking at this specc:


ASUS P5E Deluxe, X48, Socket-775

Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 2,4GHz

NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTS

2x PC2 8000 1GB RAM

Chieftec 400W

Noctua NH-C12P CPU Fan


Anyone have any tips?

And should I buy a better PSU?




yes i have one tip....listen to that guy up there ^^verran^^ cuz he know what he's talking about. he gave you a couple of really good suggestions already when he said the p45 gigabyte boards would be a great match for your q6600

yes asus boards will work fine but if you want to get the most out of your cpu the gigabytes are the way to get it

ive built several asus machines, a couple of biostars and an intel not to mention many upgrades for friends and family but so far i haven't been able to match specs with the gigabyte machines clock for clock.

so if you have that ability to follow his suggestions then its in your interest to try it...




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