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ASUS WS Revolution Build with i7 for overclocking.

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Ok so here are piocs of the build i just completed with my asus board i did alot better this time around. Tried my best with wire management. I don't understand though as you'll see in the last pic why my processor it clocked at 1603.6mhz. Isn't i7 2.6? Ill be giving the machine some tweaks so stay tuned any suggestions please feel free. Build specs in sig.








Also check cpuid: 50717223.th.jpg

Edited by TropicalPreist

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Nice Setup,

I found that with a big tower cooler that having the fan pushing air upwards and out the BigBoy at the top got slightly better results than pushing the air horizontal and out the back.


If you can route the 24pin main board cable through the case and back in through the holes in the antec case you can get a better air flow from the front fans.


I also slapped one of theseCard Reader and Temp Monitor Panels into the top bay with the DVD drive under it and the top bay blanked off so I could use all three of the front fans.

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Is that whats holding the cpu back?


speed step lowers your cpu multiplier when your cpu is not being used to conserve energy. Its not actually holding you back. If you put your cpu under load you will see it jump back up


edit: Crazy_Nate beat me to it

Edited by Water_Hazard

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You don't need to disable speedstep...it just downclocks your processor when it's idle (to save power). Fire up Prime95, and it should go right up to what it should be :)


ahhh ok thnx


speed step lowers your cpu multiplier when your cpu is not being used to conserve energy. Its not actually holding you back. If you put your cpu under load you will see it jump back up


edit: Crazy_Nate beat me to it


so i should disable it if i wanna see the results of an overclock immediately.


Wow nothing but PCIe slots? You plan on putting more GFX cards in there?


Yeah thats what this board is know for. Ill be running tri-sli with that same 285.

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You'll see the results of an overclock immediately, even with speedstep on.


Here's why...If you're not using the CPU (idle...) does it need to be overclocked? Sure, it may not look overclocked in CPUz, but when you actually do something...it's running quite nicely :)

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So did you decide? The WS is pretty isn't it?! Common you know you want it!!

Yes I decided but it came down to several issues. I chose the Asus Rampage II GENE micro-atx. I didn't want to upgrade my PC Power & Cooling 750 watt PSU, and planned to use my pair of Sapphire Vapor-X 4890s so I went with a bit of a lesser board as it meets my needs. I won't likely go beyond a pair of graphics cards with new ones coming out so soon. Reviews here and elsewhere have shown it to overclock well and handle 12GB of RAM. Other boards caught my eye but with thoughts of high benchmark scores in mind. After my head quite swirling I found that for my needs the expense wasn't worth it in my case.


I usually run between 2-4 systems at a time and have scaled back to 2 for the short-term. With an eye towards converting to X58 for the 6-core processors out next year. For now the RIIGENE meets my short term and longer term needs. I'll likely build at least 2 more X58 systems before the end of the year. I can always get WS next or a Supercomputer board later. This newer system may become a secondary system before too long.

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