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Motherboard Failure?

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Alright, the computer in questions is my friend's Gateway, I said I would take a look at it for him. I am not totally sure on the specs but from what I can gather it is running a Core 2 duo (not sure what one it is), 1gb DDR2 800, 2xSeagate 150gb HDD SATA drives (unsure of RAID status), 8500gt, stock psu and MOBO.


The problem is when you turn it on the fans kick on high and then nothing, when I heard about I figured it was just the motherboard but I decided to mess around with it, I pulled RAM, I tried it without the video card and finally I decided to unplug the second HDD. I unplugged and PRESTO! Boots up and says problems with data degradation on such and such drive but I didn't pay attention because I was like WOOHOO it works. I logged in and everything worked but really really slowly. So I decided I would just reinstall the OS and see what happens.


I went to pick up the reinstall disk and when I came back I pressed the power button and the fans spooled up and it refused to boot again. Now I am stumped. I check and recheck everything and no boot. I can't figure out what to do. I am thinking it is the motherboard again but I don't want to be wrong.


If anybody has any ideas please help me.

Thanks in advance.

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Hmm. Got a known good harddrive laying around besides the two that were supplied by Gateway? I would start there since quite a large behavior change happened due to one being unplugged :) I've had harddrives prevent booting before. Try different sata cables as well - if there is an internal short in one of them somewhere, i would imagine it could cause these type of symptoms as well.

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Thanks for the replies guys :) I will do some more testing tomorrow. I've a known working WD HDD lying around and I will plug in my BGF 550 psu if that doesn't work I. I will do this stuff tomorrow because I am all tuckered out from work today and last night was a late one.


Anyone else have some ideas, feel free to add if you would like.

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Ok so today I yanked out the PSU on the gateway and stuffed my BFG 550gs in there and nothing changed. I changed SATA cables, I swapped RAM, I plugged in a blank known working HDD, and finally I swapped out the graphics card and nothing worked. I am leaning towards motherboard but I would hate to be wrong since it's for my friend. If someone could help me find a board the model number is Intel (Lavacot) 975X Motherboard and the cheapest one I can find so far is a $150 for new. The case itself says E-6610d


One thing I did notice some odd noises coming from the HDDs in the gateway when I first tried it with the different power supply with the HDDs that came with it. It sounded like more of a chirkek (sounds like it's pronounced) than a grinding noise, I don't think it was anything but I can't be sure.

Edited by gabrieltessin

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2xSeagate 150gb HDD SATA drives (unsure of RAID status)




The problem is when you turn it on the fans kick on high and then nothing




Boots up and says problems with data degradation on such and such drive

Can you view/change the RAID options in the BIOS?


Define "nothing"... it powers off? Stays on (fans running at least) but no POST beeps, no display, etc?


Can you change the boot options to display info (e.g. disable Quick Boot, etc)?


Data degradation would usually mean that a RAID array is running in a critical state (a drive missing or faulty), and would coincide with the reduced performance since degraded arrays usually run very slowly without expensive RAID cards.

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I can't get to bios no post.

Its a no post except for one time It tried to work one time then never again. Data degradation is because I had one drive unplugged. Doesn't post or beep or anything promising all the fans just kick on full blast when you turn it on and nothing else. No video, no post, no beeps, no hope. I can turn the fans on and off with the power button though...

Edited by gabrieltessin

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If it is RAID then try resetting the BIOS. That should change the RAID setting back to the standard IDE state and allow a boot. If not then it is probably the motherboard. But instead of buying the exact same one, why not just pick up a cheap 775 board from newegg?

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If it is RAID then try resetting the BIOS. That should change the RAID setting back to the standard IDE state and allow a boot. If not then it is probably the motherboard. But instead of buying the exact same one, why not just pick up a cheap 775 board from newegg?

I can't get into BIOS it doesn't no post's. The reason I don't just get a cheapo from newegg is because it's a stupid BTX motherboard with a passive cooler.

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