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Leaving a PC on for 7 months without fixing hardware issues once

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Right... so as some of you know, I just got home after travelling for the past 7 or so months. I had my rig at home (the one in my sig) running 24/7 of that time (most of it anyways) to do some folding@home, so naturally, I wouldn't be able to fix any hardware issues. Now today I have come home and just took the side cover off the rig, which surprisingly wasn't very dusty at all... well yea, cause the intake fans had stopped working.... :rolleyes: One of the exaust fans also stopped working... Cheap Scythe Slipstream pieces of crap, I thought Scythe was awesome?


Anyways, my GPU readouts tell me 64

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Only real suggestion I can make it get a stick, some marsh mellows, then stick the whole mess in there for a new min. If you don't feel comfortable using it for what you origenally intended, turn it into the only computer that will make breakfast for you :D.

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Blackninja, that is a very good idea :lol:


ccoke, I totally agree! It is a great board, however I have to get back into the overclocking side of it, as during the time I was gone I had to slowly lower the OC from 3.6 (lasted about 1 month after I left), then 3.24 (lasted 5 months) and then 3.02GHz, which it has been running ever since May.

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Well yea the temperature probably does / did affect the lifespan of the components, but they are made to last (unless of course it is an Asus board), so a bit of abuse shouldn't diminish the time it lasts that much!

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