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Intel Core2 Doue E7200 overclocking


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Hay i would like 2 know wat should i concider when i overclock my cpu? and itz limitz?

could some 1 help me i have OCed it from 2.53GHz too 3.00Ghz bad i have a crapy case :closedeyes:

:typing: plz get back 2 me?


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First of all, I'd recommend dropping the l33t speak. "itz limitz" just looks really, really silly.


Second, no one knows what the limit of your chip is besides you. Not all E7200s clock the same.


Do you need help getting past 3Ghz? If so, it might help telling us what's wrong as well as what you've done so far and how your temps are. Also, what cooling are you using?

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My experience with a E7300 landed me @ 4ghz with around 1.47ish volts


If you have stock cooling on that done go much past 3.2ghz otherwise it'll start to overheat.


you should be able to go to about 3.8ghz if you have a good Heatsink. not the origanal Intel one.

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