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Why so HOT!!!

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Your CPU is way too hot for a water cooling setup.


Get out the stock fan and heatsink and install it. See if the temperatures go down. If they don't maybe the CPU is stuffed?

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To answer your question you shouldn't be getting those temps on water. I've got a C0 and my temps are lower then yours and I'm on air.


How much AS5 did you use? You didn't use a ton right?

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To answer your question you shouldn't be getting those temps on water. I've got a C0 and my temps are lower then yours and I'm on air.


How much AS5 did you use? You didn't use a ton right?


And your sure you have the block seated?

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im rather sure the block is seated fine... it is a possability i put on a tad to much aS5 im not too good with it. its late tonight so ill put the stock heatsink in tomorrow. thanks guys i have to get this sorted out.

would using to much as5 make this much differece though? i can see how it could esspecially as i am lousy at its aplication. if so then can some one give us a quick "perfect way to apply TIM" talk.

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im rather sure the block is seated fine... it is a possability i put on a tad to much aS5 im not too good with it. its late tonight so ill put the stock heatsink in tomorrow. thanks guys i have to get this sorted out.

would using to much as5 make this much differece though? i can see how it could esspecially as i am lousy at its aplication. if so then can some one give us a quick "perfect way to apply TIM" talk.


AS5 destructions


Also are you using a T line to fill the system? What program are you using to measure the temp?



Slightly offtopic but where did you get the D0 from? i cant find any at all in Aus

Edited by Copie

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no i got a drive bay resivour thats sitting thrid from the top sorry forgot to put that one in earlier. used that to fill it.

thanks for the instructions still havent got anything on here to read PDFs yet so ill get to that asap

i am using speedfan to see the temps mainly however it also shows the same temp when i looked in the mobos moniter prog


the D0 i doubted id even get i was so amped, it was just the i7 920 from pccasegear, just lucky i guess.

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no i got a drive bay resivour thats sitting thrid from the top sorry forgot to put that one in earlier. used that to fill it.

thanks for the instructions still havent got anything on here to read PDFs yet so ill get to that asap

i am using speedfan to see the temps mainly however it also shows the same temp when i looked in the mobos moniter prog


the D0 i doubted id even get i was so amped, it was just the i7 920 from pccasegear, just lucky i guess.


pics of the D0 on CPUZ? as mine from Pc's was a C0 step and the only D0 i knew they had were the new 950's and 975's


also with the waterblock how far do you have it screwed down? on mine i have the springs fully compressed. With the 3pin connector i have mine running off a direct molex line (one of those fan converter things)


Try reseating the block and reapplying the TIM and see if that makes a difference.

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this might sound stupid, but if there was a plastic protective film on the waterblock, did you remove it?


the first time i set up my cooling i left it on, even managing to apply the thermal compound without noticing. i realised the temps were too high right away but i was surprised to find that the system still cooled the cpu almost as well as the air cooling it had replaced!

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yes there was some stuff that i noticed over the waterblock looked kind of like electrical tape, that was obvious but beyond that i did not see anything else. i wasent gonna try touching it or flicking the sides to see if there was a film over the surface but two protection layers seemed too redundant to be likley. i still pose the question would bad/over aplication of as5 make the heats this bad.


also is it still safe to run the computer at the temps, granted idle is 40 to 50 but as i said load goes to 60 to 70. would i be able to perhaps try a game on it. i'm eager to test the new graphics this gtx 295 is my upgrade away from a 8800 so. is that safe or should i be using minimal amounts of the system. at the moment ive just installed windows and some benchmarks and stuff like speedfan. i dont think just installing things would be too problematic but how high a temp is high enough to stop using it?


thanks again guys you have all been awesome.

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yes there was some stuff that i noticed over the waterblock looked kind of like electrical tape, that was obvious but beyond that i did not see anything else. i wasent gonna try touching it or flicking the sides to see if there was a film over the surface but two protection layers seemed too redundant to be likley. i still pose the question would bad/over aplication of as5 make the heats this bad.


also is it still safe to run the computer at the temps, granted idle is 40 to 50 but as i said load goes to 60 to 70. would i be able to perhaps try a game on it. i'm eager to test the new graphics this gtx 295 is my upgrade away from a 8800 so. is that safe or should i be using minimal amounts of the system. at the moment ive just installed windows and some benchmarks and stuff like speedfan. i dont think just installing things would be too problematic but how high a temp is high enough to stop using it?


thanks again guys you have all been awesome.


Wipe off the As5 and reapply as it says in the instructions, should take no more then about 5min, then see what the temps are, the Danger Den only has the white tape on the bottom no other protection so as long as the white tape is off it, it rules that out as the cause.

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ok i might do that now, replace the as5 completely it seems that yeh i did it wrong.... however i need to ask about removing whats on there, first up i do have a thread free cloth for cleaning my glasses, never used it(or the glasses) so i would proly use that to clean it off right, the PDF guide posted before says to use something pure alcohol whatever stuff, I'm guessing method is a BAD substitution for that or is it ok, cause im all out of misc pure alcohol... and no im not shluring my wurds....

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ok i might do that now, replace the as5 completely it seems that yeh i did it wrong.... however i need to ask about removing whats on there, first up i do have a thread free cloth for cleaning my glasses, never used it(or the glasses) so i would proly use that to clean it off right, the PDF guide posted before says to use something pure alcohol whatever stuff, I'm guessing method is a BAD substitution for that or is it ok, cause im all out of misc pure alcohol... and no im not shluring my wurds....


Being your reapplying the same compound just the right amount this time, just wipe it with a good clean cloth (be warned the cloth will be ruined by then so a clean rag works) and reapply, i think using AS cleaning compound or pure alco is only when you are using different TIM.

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