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Did I get lucky or what?


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Alright I got my Phenom 720 and my Asrock M3A790GXH/128M socket AM3 today and i just got it together. Befor i booted the OS I enabled ACC and rebooted. Went to get a drink, when i got back the Windows xp setup was running and i decided to just go ahead and install the OS. Everything went fine so i downloaded some basic utilities and noticed the cpu volts were only 1.25 and prime stable. So i wondered how it would compare to a real 940 so i clocked it to 3.0 and then down to 1.1875vcore. Still Prime stable. WOW that's amassing, at least to me. thats less volts then a stock q9550 much less then the ph2 940. A phenomII 720 with the 4th core unlocked running perfectly stable at less than 1.2v. So here is the proof, can anybody top that, or even with a real 940? Not like a bragging way i just wonder how it compares, I havent seen anything like it.



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Even more insane was i just bought and built the same combo for a friend 2 weeks ago and it unlocked and was stable 2.8ghz@ 1.35v. I bought myself the same exact combo thinking that i could never be lucky enough to get 2 in a row but because the price was so freakn good mobo and cpu with Hs only $247.98 end total, shipped, at my door. Thats a good deal but then i found out it was a much much better chip then the last one my friend got. BTW its batch 0906 which is newer then the original ones that unlocked. Also it really looks like AMD is getting a lot better at making these wafers. Much much better than just a few months ago.

Edited by ocre

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Nice. My 720 performed similiar to yours, it could run a 3.0GHz with around 1.25v perfectly stable. Once I started really clocking it upwards it started eating up voltage like it was a cookie. 3.3GHz required almost 1.375v and from there it just became ugly. The Phenom II chips are really funny when it comes to voltage and overclocking. They will seemingly fly at low voltages but after a certain point they really start needing a lot of voltage to run. I've owned and tested over 15 Phenom II chips and they all expressed this behavior at one unexpected point or another.

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Nice. My 720 performed similiar to yours, it could run a 3.0GHz with around 1.25v perfectly stable. Once I started really clocking it upwards it started eating up voltage like it was a cookie. 3.3GHz required almost 1.375v and from there it just became ugly. The Phenom II chips are really funny when it comes to voltage and overclocking. They will seemingly fly at low voltages but after a certain point they really start needing a lot of voltage to run. I've owned and tested over 15 Phenom II chips and they all expressed this behavior at one unexpected point or another.


Did you get it unlocked and ran stable at 1.25? I am now testing my 720 with only 3 cores cause i havent got my HS & fan yet and i just dont know the temps with 4 cores enabled. So far its running at 3.5ghz on stock volts, I have been on prime for 2 hours! the temps are up at low 50s like 50-52. I am not goin further till i get good cooling, you know

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I think Intel Burn Test was for Intel CPU only? You state that you're running an AMD? :blink:


Even more insane was i just bought and built the same combo for a friend 2 weeks ago and it unlocked and was stable 2.8ghz@ 1.35v. I bought myself the same exact combo thinking that i could never be lucky enough to get 2 in a row but because the price was so freakn good mobo and cpu with Hs only $247.98 end total, shipped, at my door. Thats a good deal but then i found out it was a much much better chip then the last one my friend got. BTW its batch 0906 which is newer then the original ones that unlocked. Also it really looks like AMD is getting a lot better at making these wafers. Much much better than just a few months ago.

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Btw, you do know that soem chips require super low vcore for low mhz, then past a certain frequency it needs extremely high vcore? My Q9450 is one of those, I can run 3.0 no problem with less than stock, but I need nearly 1.45 for 3.6 and 4.0.

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That's a pretty good chip you got there.


Phenom II's are so damn picky on voltage. Mine runs fine up to 3.5 GHz on stock volts. It's not prime stable at 3.5, but it's benchy stable. There is no voltage it's stable at 3.5. None. At 3.6, 1.46V gets it stable, but any more or less and it's a crashfest. To get 3.8, I need 1.48V, but nothing past 3.84GHz, even 1.65V. I was running under cold air, bringing in 5F air from outside over the heatsink.


Such weird, picky chips. Athlon X2's took simple easy bumps of voltage when you hit a wall. My friend's Intel was the same way. But these, these are just weird :P

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