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Overclocking an AMD 6000+

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Hello, all, I'm new here


I just upgraded to an AMD 6000+, and I've been trying to overclock it to ~3.2 (stock is 3.0).

I used the following settings:

C&Q: Off

PCI-E:100 MHz

CPU: 1.500 V

DDR2: 800 MHz

Timings: 4-4-4-12-2T

Memory: 2.2V

CPU Multiplier: 15X

Clock speed: 200 (base) - 215 (goal)


System specs:

Abit KN9 SLI mobo

AMD Athlon X2 6000+

2 gigs OCZ Gold DDR2-800 PC6400

Arctic Cooling Freezer 64 Pro CPU fan



I set the clock speed at 215, for an overall speed of 3.225 GHz. System booted up smoothly, and CPU-Z reported the correct speeds and voltages, and corresponded to the values shown in the Abit motherboard utility. However, a few minutes after booting, the motherboard alarm goes off, and the Abit motherboard utility is reporting a CPU temperature of about 127 C (!!). Terrified I had burnt out my new CPU, I rebooted, and lowered the clock speed to 213, and booted up again. This time, I fired up Everest, and when it happened again, the CPU temperatures reported on Everest remained at ~30C, while those on the ABIT utility were 100+ again. I rebooted again and reduced the clock to 210, where it is sitting nicely now. It should also be noted that I checked the CPU temps in the BIOS after rebooting, and they were confirmed at ~30C, so I'm convinced this is a sensor error.


But why is it only on one of 3 programs I'm using to monitor the temperature that this appears? And why only when the clock is above a certain level? This current congfiguration passed a 2 minuted ORTHOS test at less than 50C, so I'm sure I can push it further.


Any input would be appreciated.

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seems like a sensor error, but if it only happens with one program perhaps it's a problem with the program.


wouldn't use that program anymore for that particular cpu, and just stick with the ones that work.



welcome to occ by the way.

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Okay, are those good settings for this CPU? Perhaps this has been asked before. I'm fairly new to overclocking, so I'm a little afraid of doing something wrong. That voltage seems a little high to me... could it be lowered while maintaining stability? What sort of luck have people had in the past with this processor? I've seen on other forums people getting it to 3.4-3.5.... but I'd be happy if I could get it solid at 3.2-3.3, i'm not looking to break any boundaries here, I'm basically just looking for the price of a 6000 and the performance of a 6400 (which are identical apart from clock speeds, as far as I can tell, except the 6400 is twice as expensive).

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the voltage may be a little high, but really it's nothing set in stone. what is stock voltage for this cpu?


with overclocking, each chip can be much different...even from the same cpu model. they're guaranteed from the manufacturer to run at the speed they come in the box at, and nothing else.


trial and error is how overclocking works, and this is why looking for settings on the internet or getting them from a friend can be dangerous. you should be able to find the optimum settings for each piece of hardware you wish to overclock with trial and error.


have you tested stability with prime 95?


pretty much what should be done is to push the chip either until satisfied or until it hits it's maximum...this can be known when blue screens start happening, among other things such as freezing and not being able to boot the computer at all.


a simple cmos clear can fix the non boot issue, freezing, etc...so unless you're worried about frying your chip (which you most likely would be, but it comes with the territory of overclocking) these things shouldn't be too much of a worry. and even then, unless you're pushing for records these sorts of things in proper context shouldn't mess things up. if the chip is showing signs of these things, it's simply time to back off. wouldn't worry about it too much, just know that it's a possibility.


a good way to start is to simply bump up the frequency little by little (very small increments, you should take your time) until one of these walls is hit... and then simply raise the voltage little by little until it can be passed. you most likely should just start from scratch and do this (if you simply got some numbers from somewhere), getting the chip to 3.6 could be possible, or it may not go any higher at all. again, it's trial and error.


make sure prime 95 can be run... ideally for 12-24 hours (torture test) for maximum stability...


however, to check an overclock... perhaps simply run it for ten minutes or so. if it fails, bump up the voltage (in very small increments) until the overclock frequency passes. once you get it to it's max frequency, or you're happy with the overclock, it's a good idea to run prime 95 for 12-24 hours to make sure the overclock is stable.


it's really not a difficult thing, as long as these basic principles are followed.


and you can find prime 95 here.



occt, by the way, is probably the best temp monitoring program around... it can also be found on that site linked to above.


have fun and be sure to watch the temps.

Edited by Maj0r Gamer

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i did a similar ugrade on my wifes dell from a sempron to an athlon 64x2 6000+ @ 3.01...it worked ok and still does but runs a bit warmer because the sink and fan setup was designed for a slower/cooler cpu and the x2 i mentioned runs at 89w as opposed to much less,,i forget what the sempron wattage was,, i think like 45 watts...anyway it was just hotter after the exchange so you may need to think about a better sink/fan but check to insure that the one you have is seated properly....the numbers look good to me....cya ....cj


quick edit...shoot i just remembered there is a 125 watt version of the athlon 64x2 6000+ and if that's the one you have you will definately need a better cooling application...!!

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My PSU is an OCZ GameXStream 600W.


Thanks for the advice, I will try that :). So should I ignore the alarm being set off by the ABIT utility? It's very scary when the motherboard alarm starts beeping, I just want to turn off the computer, haha. It is possible to disable it, but its something I'd like to have in case my CPU fan ever dies and my CPU actually starts to overheat. Are there third party programs that will monitor CPU temperatures and automatically shut down if the temperature gets above a certain threshold?

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try occt...


it's about the best temperature monitoring program around.


this is a new version, still in beta form...


looks to have lots of improvements, such as hardware monitoring... may indeed be able to shut down when certain temps are reached, but you may wanna read up on that to be sure. a sound file is played on the new version there when an error is detected, so that should be good enough if it's not able to shut down the system.



that sensor thing mentioned above is a little strange. is that on the motherboard itself? could still be a bad sensor. if you download and run occt, and if the other third party programs don't give this error, it's pretty much gotta be a bad sensor. wouldn't worry about it in that case, and go ahead and disable it. occt should be able to take care of things. as long as that cpu stays under 70C under full load, things should be fine... but if you can keep it cooler, it would be better.

Edited by Maj0r Gamer

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Okay, I've got it sitting nicely at 3.3 GHz with a 15x multiplier and 220 ref clock, and the above settings. After an hour long torture test, the CPU temp remained below 55C, and at idle, it hovers around 30C. Pretty good I guess.

I want to do a 12 hour torture test to be sure... but I'm afraid of something going wrong and me not being there to correct it. If I do the torture test with OCCT, what does it do if something goes wrong? Will it beep at me if I run it overnight? (my computer is in my room so it would wake me up)

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Hey there I'm new in the community as well. I just upgraded to the 6000+ and I had the heat sink from a amd 3200+ on there and when i'm playing games on here my temp is getting up into the 60's and that is at stock settings. I just ordered a water cooling system for it. What is the deal why is it getting so hot? Just because of the old heat sink?


Also I am kinda curious if i'm gonna have any problems overclocking my ram as i have two different kinds of ram....?


Any help would be appreciated!!!

Edited by tmann8869

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Yes it's because of your old heatsink.


As for the RAM what do you mean by 2 different kinds?


As long as they're the same specs it'll be fine, otherwise you will run into some trouble.

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Hey there I'm new in the community as well. I just upgraded to the 6000+ and I had the heat sink from a amd 3200+ on there and when i'm playing games on here my temp is getting up into the 60's and that is at stock settings. I just ordered a water cooling system for it. What is the deal why is it getting so hot? Just because of the old heat sink?


Also I am kinda curious if i'm gonna have any problems overclocking my ram as i have two different kinds of ram....?


Any help would be appreciated!!!


hey there and welcome to OCC...!!....i don't usually weigh in on topics i'm not certain about but i've seen where others in this forum have used mismatched but similar sets and been ok...of course it's best to have matched sets but when you manually set the speeds in bios they'll be the same,,.. should it become an issue you take the slower sticks out....as far as heat goes your sink may be fine or it may not...if you have the 89 watt athlon64x2 it's probably gonna be fine....with the 125 watter you could get some pretty high temps (not good)....the gentleman above recommended a good monitor and test program i use coretemps on the wife's dell also the dell bios allowed me to reset the cooling/fans to optimum which keeps it quiet when she's surfing the web and stepps up when she's doing more intensive stuff well she doesn't do much else...lol...anyway have fun with it but don't let it run hot,, get a better cooler if you find you need it....take care....cj :D

quik edit...i just realized you're going underwater...your temps will be fine with wc...

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