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Finally got to 4.4ghz (on air)

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E8400 EO, 1.25 vid. GA-EP45-UD3P motherboard. OCZ Reaper 1066 ram. Settings are: 550x8. Ram@1100mhz w/2.3v (5-5-5-15). Voltages: 1.41vcore load and 1.44 idle (1.4875v in bios), 1.46v NB, 1.4v VTT, everything else on auto. Key was using a high fsb to run the ram 1:1 while being close to 1066mhz. HDT-S1283 cooler. Max temps during Prime95 mix test was 63/63C. Keep in mind I had to use the Xigmatek paste and I am getting some AS5 on there as soon as I get some. Should drop the temps to sub 60's. I'll get screenies up soon, but tonight I have to study for tests so likely by tomorrow for sure.

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E8400 EO, 1.25 vid. GA-EP45-UD3P motherboard. OCZ Reaper 1066 ram. Settings are: 550x8. Ram@1100mhz w/2.3v (5-5-5-15). Voltages: 1.41vcore load and 1.44 idle (1.4875v in bios), 1.46v NB, 1.4v VTT, everything else on auto. Key was using a high fsb to run the ram 1:1 while being close to 1066mhz. HDT-S1283 cooler. Max temps during Prime95 mix test was 63/63C. Keep in mind I had to use the Xigmatek paste and I am getting some AS5 on there as soon as I get some. Should drop the temps to sub 60's. I'll get screenies up soon, but tonight I have to study for tests so likely by tomorrow for sure.

vehehehery nice there ;). I wasn't impressed until I saw you were running my multi ;). Good work!

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Ok thanks.. good to know. I might just use the AS5 anyways since my uncle said he might have some laying around. In that case no sense in spending $5 shipping on a $7 tube of thermal paste from newegg :P

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Screenshot: http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk274/d...44prime95-1.png


For the Prime95 shot that temperature doesn't change at all. I left it for hours and it that's where it peaked, 64C. That is with 25C room temp and 36C idling. Also I did SuperPi but the screenshot for that won't work on photobucket... it comes out really small, but the time was 10.2 something. I'll try and get it later. And for anyone who is interested I bumped up the vcore in bios to 1.05625 to help it out a bit and lowered NB to 1.42, and fsb to 1.36. This was still stable after I bumped the vcore, while only gaining an extra 1C on the cpu. Rather have 1C more on the cpu than 10C on the board.

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Cheers boys. You won't believe it, just got stability at 4.5ghz with 1.488v load on the cpu. Getting max temps of 64C with the Xigmatek cooler and crappy butt Zalman thermal pasts. Oh and I lowered the FSB to 500 and upped multi to 9 get it stable. Also have NB at 1.42 and VTT at 1.4. I have to finishing typing something up for school and after that later this evening I'll throw up a screenshot :) :thumbs-up:

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E8400 EO, 1.25 vid. GA-EP45-UD3P motherboard. OCZ Reaper 1066 ram. Settings are: 550x8. Ram@1100mhz w/2.3v (5-5-5-15). Voltages: 1.41vcore load and 1.44 idle (1.4875v in bios), 1.46v NB, 1.4v VTT, everything else on auto. Key was using a high fsb to run the ram 1:1 while being close to 1066mhz. HDT-S1283 cooler. Max temps during Prime95 mix test was 63/63C. Keep in mind I had to use the Xigmatek paste and I am getting some AS5 on there as soon as I get some. Should drop the temps to sub 60's. I'll get screenies up soon, but tonight I have to study for tests so likely by tomorrow for sure.

wow that's really nice...!! B:)

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