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Help, Phenom II 720 is cooking my 8800 GT!

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Ok, to me this is weird.


I have been running my 8800 GT with a 6000+ for over a year now and it never got above 70 C. Ran nice and stable at 740 x 1750. Now I installed a new Phenom II 720 on an Asus 790 GX MB and my 8800 GT is ON FIRE. Yes, I am seeing almost a 25% increase in framerates with this new CPU. Is that just overwhelming mo GPU? I can't get through a 3DMark06 without it locking up and my temps are running right up to 100 C with fans running full blast.


What the hell. Does this mean my trusty 8800 GT needs to be replaced? Never seen temps like this.

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well their could be a couple things........... what cpu did u have before. the phenom probably generates a bit more heat. also i'm not sure this is possible but maybe your old cpu never could feed your gpu like your new one does now if you know what i mean. I would look so see if the processor is blowing any heat towards the gpu. if so try to fix that, if not you could get some more fans to improve airflow. or you could get an aftermarket heatsink for your gpu............. i don't think that the graphics card is bad

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Ok, to me this is weird.


I have been running my 8800 GT with a 6000+ for over a year now and it never got above 70 C. Ran nice and stable at 740 x 1750. Now I installed a new Phenom II 720 on an Asus 790 GX MB and my 8800 GT is ON FIRE. Yes, I am seeing almost a 25% increase in framerates with this new CPU. Is that just overwhelming mo GPU? I can't get through a 3DMark06 without it locking up and my temps are running right up to 100 C with fans running full blast.


What the hell. Does this mean my trusty 8800 GT needs to be replaced? Never seen temps like this.


Check your GPU fan to make sure nothing is obstructing it or that it isn't clogged with dust. You may have bumped the card re-installing it, causing the heatsink to lose good contact so it may not be a bad idea to pop the HSF off and replace the OEM TIM with some better stuff. There's no reason for a new CPU, even a more powerful one to cause a GPU to overheat.

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Hey guys,


Thanks for the input. It's none of the standard stuff. Fans, heatsinks all perfect.


Here's the thing. Before in 3DMark06 the opening sequence, I was maybe cranking 68-70 FPS... Now, with the 720, I am cranking 96 to 98 FPS! That is a BIG jump without an additional overclock to the GPU. Could be the 790 GX and the 720 BE are just throwing too much data at the 8800 and cookin it? I am idling at 63, but the second I start 3DMark06, the temp skyrockets too 100 very fast.


Weird and disappointing.

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Nope, it's not an ambient heat problem. The case is open on both sides and the 8800 GT has nice aftermarket cooling on it.


Anyway, check this out. I just managed to make to all the way through a 3DMark06 with the card only overclocked to 700 | 1750 | 900. Prior to the 720 BE, my top score was like 11,500 even when I had the GPU overclocked to 740 | 1800 | 900. Anyway, this run I clocked a 13,415. That's with a friggin 8800 GT! Man, that's a damn good score for an 8800 GT.


Card got up to about 85 C. Maybe it made it this time because I dumped EVGA Precision and installed RivaTuner.

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Just got sweet new Ultra Aftermarket cooler for my 8800 GT GPU. Lord what a difference. It is whisper quiet and base temps running at 42 C instead of 68 C. 26 C degree drop - sweet (lol, and it only cost me $30 at TigerDirect :).

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haha, so it was a cooling problem after all?

nice. :P


Yep, but it is kind of strange because the cooling I had on there before (albeit a jerry-rigged homemade solution) was quite robust involving two fans and had always kept my GPU nice and cool before. For some reason with the new CPU it was utter fail. This new Ultra GPU Fan (only cost $30) looks sweet, is pretty much silent going full blast and keeps my 8800 below 50 C except during the most intense gaming and then never goes above 55.

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Yep, but it is kind of strange because the cooling I had on there before (albeit a jerry-rigged homemade solution) was quite robust involving two fans and had always kept my GPU nice and cool before. For some reason with the new CPU it was utter fail. This new Ultra GPU Fan (only cost $30) looks sweet, is pretty much silent going full blast and keeps my 8800 below 50 C except during the most intense gaming and then never goes above 55.

and now you can clock that 8800 up some more ;)

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This happened with my old 2900XT as well. I had an Opteron 175 at 2.4 GHz and I never heard the thing spin up. When I moved to my Q6600 the thing sounded like a hair dryer and ran about 30 C hotter. :lol:

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