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Q9550 Help me get 3.96Ghz stable!!!!

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I am currently running it pretty stable at 3.68Ghz (1h prime OK, im not patient enough to go longer, but I left all night priming once, and found my PC rebooted after an error)

I am cooling with core contact freezer, OK idle temps: 42C-44C-39C-41C Tcase @ 31C / loads @ 60ish for my highest Tjunction (core 3 in my case), no higher than 64, depending on room temp.




I want to get my fsb to 1866 (466.5Mhz)


I can get this working at like 1.3750 Vcore in my bios (which results in 1.40 max in CPUZ). My cpu is rated at 1.41max by intel.

Only thing is, as soon as i innitiate prime, i get bsod and have to resset.


Seems kind of high for a vcore at < 4Ghz, I suspect something else is wrong, perhaps memory timings or vtt or pll or GTL ratios... maybe its my NB or SB... the fact of the matter is, Im not sur what to do at this point?


What would you do at this point? which values would you tinker with and in what order, and why?


Also, just as a test, i tried lowering my multiplier to like 8x and linked at 3/2 my mem to get 4 @ 2000fsb @ 1333 ram, I cant even get a post here....


The only thing looking OK are temps at 3.96% (I load everest on startup, and it listed my max junction at 55C (during windows boot up load)) didnt get a prime temp as it crashed to bsod.


so? any thoughts? suggestions? what would you do?


Remember all, I have a striker II extreme with a few more options than the conventional board, everything can be changed.


Also note I did pretty much all suggested in guide

set mem manualy to factory spec 99924, at 1.6V

disabled power saving options and spread spectrum

arranged my boot options and all.


I have loadline calibration at off.




When I put my mem on auto all, my board detects totaly wrong stuff (my 1333 9 9 9 24 2T is read at 1066 7 5 9 23 1T(or similar) Normal?


Thanks everyone!

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I wanna get this oc stable. I wanna get that oc stable. You may have hit your max overclock. Just be happy with it. There are chips that will not even reach your currant stable oc. So just stop and let it be. So That's My Story And I'm Sticking To It.

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3.68GHZ. Concider yourself lucky.

3.68GHz is a respectable overclock. If it must be that faster then you may need a better cooling solution. or maybe you have reached that chips limit, maybe your motherboard cant handle the data trans, heat or the voltage. (thats what I have ran into)

I cant get my athlon 64 x2 6400+ over 3.450 GHZ @1.500vcore. sure, I didn't reach my goal, but its borderline too hot and It can't feed any more voltage throught it without getting stupid hot. So until I find a cooling solution that will work for this mobo then I cant clock any higher. And I got to be real with you. I am happy with it. its noticably faster then it was before.


Try figureing out what else besides the core that is too hot. if you have a pwm thats too hot that will limit the power it can feed to the cpu (with heat comes resistance) .


just a slight bit of advise. Please be patient with it. if not it may cost you that expecive asus board and intel chip.

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I wanna get this oc stable. I wanna get that oc stable. You may have hit your max overclock. Just be happy with it. There are chips that will not even reach your currant stable oc. So just stop and let it be.



dude give the guy a break, we all try and push our pc's to the limits, thats the fun of the hobby, we do it with pc's , cars, everything. instead of an attitude why dont you help the guy out and give him some creative ideas on how he could hit the mark he is aiming for. if everyone was just happy with what they got, nobody would ever overclock anything.

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just a slight bit of advise. Please be patient with it. if not it may cost you that expecive asus board and intel chip.



see now that is good , helpful advice which is what we need more of on this board..

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He just might have a chip that will not clock higher. Try different timings. Try raising or lowering the voltage on the north bridge. Or even the same on the south bridge.

I was not trying to be the south end of a north bound donkey.

I would love to see my chip hit 4 GHZ It's not going to happen. So I am happy with what I milked from my processor.

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