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500MHz FSB on E8400

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While I never got 4.0GHz stable on my E8400 without going out of my comfort zone on voltages (above 1.42v) I decided that I'd see how high I could get just my FSB up and I set out for 500MHz. So I dropped my multi to 6 and started with 450MHz


Here are my results.

I started with 450x6:


Then upped to 468, then 475:


then 481, 487, 493, and finally 500MHz



Now, to me this seems like a nice thing, but i'm wondering if it really is something to be proud of, or is it average.


btw 500 isn't the max, as I still have quite a bit of voltage headroom, and i'm going to try for higher, I'll update this thread when I do.


also, my mobo is in my sig. I used 1.42v on the NB to achieve 500MHz FSB.

Edited by Turophiliac

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I wanted to add that I did this test because I've just bought a new Q9550 as a replacement for my dual core. I know that the new chip only has an 8.5x multi and I was checking to see if my mobo could handle the higher FSB setting if I wanted to OC the quad up about 3.6/3.8GHz.

Does anybody have any advice on what I should do to prepare for the swap? Even simple things would help as I've never done it before.


btw, the FSB got up to 525MHz with a boost up to 1.46v on the NB but failed on me whilst priming.

Edited by Turophiliac

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If its a P45 chipset you should not have any problems, I had mine up over 560 with a E8600 and 515 with a Q9650...

I wish it was, but it's not. 780i w/ tri-sli. I bought it before I realized that tri-sli wasn't going to help a whole lot.

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I wish it was, but it's not. 780i w/ tri-sli. I bought it before I realized that tri-sli wasn't going to help a whole lot.

Good luck with it, most non P45 boards are limited to around 450 with a quad, some will managed around 470 though with a lot of tweaking...

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