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Overclocking and hard drive corruption on Intel platforms..?

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Just as the title says....



why is it so easy to corrupt hard drives on an Intel platform during overclocking...usually memory is NOT the issue but it's been Northbridge for me...especially on Quad core over clocking...


Many times for me when setting up a rig with a Intel quad core i will set the NB vcore to 1.45v as the default 1.25v isnt enough and 1.35v doesnt do it once over 275fsb for me...


any Q6600 or Q6700 CPU I have touched needed 1.45 NB vcore to keep the drives from corrupting during OC session...even as little as 3000mhz? why is this...


I have clocked the snot out of just about every AMD chip and never for the life of me corrupted on single hard drive..not even during the flaky NF2 days...


but every C2Q I play with if I forget to set NB vcore up the drives corrupt...


I spent tonight setting up a rig at stock settings on a RAID-0 array at stock settings and tested it fine....bumped the CPU to a moddest 300x10 on 1.3vcore and set the NB to 1.35vcore (forgetting I needed 1.45v) and 1st boot corrupted the raid array on one drive...


I have probably corrupted atleast 10 hard drives in the last 2 years just on Intel Platforms...man this blows...:)


Not to mention the issues I had with a X38 and ICH9R controller...I hope ICH10R is better...lol

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Mine is at stock voltage running at 417 FSB. :shrug: I have yet to corrupt anything on any drive except for on my old DFI nForce 2 board.

Edited by Thewacokid

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the only time i ever corrupted my OS was due to my memory clock being set too high.


on the occasions i have forgotten to bump my nb voltage the only problem i have seen was a failure to post.


i figure if there's an issue it must be because AMD CPUs have had onboard memory controllers for a lot longer than intel, where it was part of the northbridge till i7.

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When you all say "corrupt hard drive", do you mean it corrupts the OS files, or flat out ruins the drive? I hope its not the latter, as I might get scared lol.

Edited by sYstEmATiC

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i had an unknown issue with corrupted stripeage on this raid0 when i first reconfigured and bumped up to 4.0 on this one but windows fixed it automatically and no problems since...maybe because it was a new mobo...maybe because of the new psu...??...i can't pin down a cause i just think the mobo was new and unstable at the time....??

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just corrupts windows files...it dont kill the hard drive...jut boots really slow and tells you it wacked or it wont boot at all...


most of the time it does boot but I get errors sitting on the desktop for different apps like explorer.exe is corrupt...

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just corrupts windows files...it dont kill the hard drive...jut boots really slow and tells you it wacked or it wont boot at all...


most of the time it does boot but I get errors sitting on the desktop for different apps like explorer.exe is corrupt...


yep that's what i remember...

doc tell me you already tried a windows repair on your raid....

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yep that's what i remember...

doc tell me you already tried a windows repair on your raid....



no I didnt...


the 1st time it happened on the raid-0 array I just busted the array and rebooted and rebuilt it and re-installed fresh....



next time I installed over the top...


next time I tried to zero fill the drives as they were on the array....but Killdisk would freeze immediately and everytime I would reboot the raid controller would tell me 1 drive would have had an error...


I busted the array again and tried to killdisk the drives separately although it didnt freeze it just didnt move like I thought it should....3hours to fill a 640gb drive is just too long...


I ended up slaving the drives back in another rig and doing a full format on each drive and they both came back clean...


so then i set the array back up and loaded windows no issue...using a IDE drive on a ICH9R chip...as a sata drive gets lost during the install and cant find itself after it spools dowm...

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So, do these corruption errors disappear when you return to stock speeds? Often, I will get various errors whilst overclocking, but they are because of an unstable CPU/RAM/FSB OC... I ask because whenever I've goosed a RAID-0 array, it won't even load the OS


The only time I've ever got actual hard drive corruption, for AMD and Intel, since the 440BX chipset, is when going for suicide screenshots, and the system is almost totally unstable lol

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no they dont....when it happens it doesnt fix itself like a ram timing out of sync...


I can tell when it does corrupt because windows load painfully slow...like 2minutes or more compared to 25 second from post...


the raid array was even longer at 3 minutes compared to 15 seconds from post...and I got the raid icon in the task bar saying it was wounded...

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