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Caught using messenger at school...


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lol. I was in a class the other day and we were looking at the painting called "The Slave Ship" by i dont really care who. and the professor went off on a tangent saying racism isnt real and slavery isnt a bad thing ....



on a separate note. HOLY CRAP LIME CAT IS BACK!!!! WIN!



he would be correct....


Slavery is alive and well today in America...you ARE a slave to the government REGARDLESS of your race...

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I was not saying that it isnt alive today, and thats different from the slavery he was referring to, nor does that condone his ignorance in saying racism isnt a bad thing.


Either way reminds me of this.


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So the past couple days our english class was in the computer lab, working on essays.

I just got bored, so I made a .bat file to use as a messenger.

I sent a couple messages, and it was all right.

But then today, I started sending messages, and some ###### in our class tells the computer room admin that I was sending messages.

So the fat lady waddles over and starts yelling at me. I told her she was just discriminating me for being Asian.

and she went away.


And this is suppose to be a good thing


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just for everone curious, I used net sending.

goes something like this (saved as .bat)


@echo off

sc config messenger start= demand

net start messenger



set /p m=Message:

net send * Broadcast message %m%


Goto A


I just broadcast a message, since I dont know any specific computer names inside the room.


Edited by hojin994

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In my experience XP has messenger set to a default of off, so how do you enable it on every computer? It dosn't matter if you enable it on your system if the receiving system has the messenger service disabled.


Not doubting that you did this, just wondering how.... for my own purposes and uses :ph34r:

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Without service packs, XP doesn't disable it and Windows 2000 also doesn't disable it. As for getting caught, a few years ago in school when I had the deepfreeze password I unfroze one of the comps in the lab and made telnet run at startup. Masked messages ftw :P But its not cool to start touble at school, atleast not on all the computers. You can always run NET VIEW to see the computers on your subnet or just do IP config / My Computer - Properties on your friends' computers.

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In my experience XP has messenger set to a default of off, so how do you enable it on every computer? It dosn't matter if you enable it on your system if the receiving system has the messenger service disabled.


The lines:

sc config messenger start= demand

net start messenger

force start messenger on computers in the same workgroup.

I thinks. :blush:

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1. This belongs on a blog, not on OCC. I speak from experience.


2. I have no respect for those who play the race card. You're obviously immature, do some growing up and accept the consequences of your actions.


3. Internet back at last.

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1. This belongs on a blog, not on OCC. I speak from experience.


2. I have no respect for those who play the race card. You're obviously immature, do some growing up and accept the consequences of your actions.


3. Internet back at last.

1. sure.

2. what if I have no respect and I'm immature?

3. sure.

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