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e8500 OC pls help me get it stable


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I'd say do not touch the GTL reference voltage. Its essentially a threshold value, and setting it too high can give the same effect as setting it too low, aka system failure. Its one of those settings that needs to be set juuust right, and according to that article that I forced my way through (I love me some technical papers!), auto is wayyy better than manual setting. Maybe try messing with it to see whats up, but that shouldnt be your problem.


I dont get it exactly though... are those the settings you want to run at or that you do run at? When/where does the OC fail? Temps?

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alright . i was scared to go to 1.5 lol - i already had it at 1.4 :P red numbers are scary when your a dead broke, just got out of the army and starting school (UTI Exton campus), geek with DATED rememberance of computers. hell my last comp was a Athlon 64x2 3800+ based comp i got from ibuypower - EPIC FAIL. spnt way too much money and i spent over 300 on the zalman reserator v1 lol - had it OCed from 2.2 to a whopping 2.5......talk about not knowing crap and spending money O_O oh yea did i mention it had a geforce 6200 with TURBOCACHE!!!!!!!!!! OH YEA CRYSIS BABY WHAT???!!! >_>.....ill shut up now. i couldnt even get that bucket to run the sims

Edited by Marne_Aeok

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upping the voltage little by little. my spp and fsb voltage are both max already. my highest green setting is 1.5v in bios. still got a few before i hit that. i hope i dont fry this thing. wish me luck :( if anyone has time for it, feel free to pm me your number for some live forum tech help ^_^ no i wont prank you or sell it to ppl or other dumb crap.

Edited by Marne_Aeok

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Edit: http://www.evga.com/support/drivers/


Select Mainboard -> BIOS updates -> nforce 790i Ultra SLI to get to the newest BIOS page.


Read down a little ways, there are instructions on how to flash a new BIOS from within Windows, as well as a way to do it by burning a CD. I'd imagine the Windows way will also tell you your current BIOS revision.

Edited by ebarone

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well man what am i supposed to do. i been at this for weeks. im starting to think i spent money on . i cant ever get to levels i know its capable. hell now i cant even get it to the levels i had it stable at. keeps saying for me to clear the bios or press f1 to continue. and the bios screen ALWAYS post my memory at the wrong speed yet its fine in windows. grr

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