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I have Il2/Forgotten Battles/Pacific Fighters.

They will load but wont play on the rig below. They CTD.

I had a 6800GT, DDR ram, and various motherboards in the past and they worked.

I tried a 3.0 gig Intel Pentium 4 rig with 2 gig ram. It is not powerful enough.

Does anyone know how to play these games in this day and age?

Please ... ? Help!

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Il-2 should play fine on that rig. I played with a much lower spec machine 3 years ago. If you are getting a crash to desktop it may be problems with Vista. and the way the game needs it be installed. It is very finicky about the install and patch sequence. There are some fixed EXE files that allow you to run without a disk and offer other fixes. I just have not played in 2 years but my brother is still active.

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Il-2 should play fine on that rig. I played with a much lower spec machine 3 years ago. If you are getting a crash to desktop it may be problems with Vista. and the way the game needs it be installed. It is very finicky about the install and patch sequence. There are some fixed EXE files that allow you to run without a disk and offer other fixes. I just have not played in 2 years but my brother is still active.


Sorry Cookeman, I should put in that I have XP with SP2. And all three games wont play. I'm not using any patches at all. Thanks.

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Sorry Cookeman, I should put in that I have XP with SP2. And all three games wont play. I'm not using any patches at all. Thanks.

patch up and get the latest drivers for your HW, if that doesn't get you in flight then I hate to say it but.........Sims are always CPU intensive, maybe your OC isn't 100% stable :(

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Sorry Cookeman, I should put in that I have XP with SP2. And all three games wont play. I'm not using any patches at all. Thanks.


Are you playing just IL-2 or do you have the Ace expansion pack , Pacific fighters or 1946

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry to be slow people, I have all the latest drivers etc. I tried to load without any patches for the games, as they played alright with the old 6800GT AVG rig.


I have the original Il2 Stormovik

I have Il2 Forgotten Battles

I have Pacific Fighters

I don't have AEpack

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