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How Much Is Too Much?


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My QX6850 is currently at 450x8 at 1.33V However im gonna try to make a push to 4.05ghz (450*9)


I think Im most likely gonna have to hit 1.45v or maybe higher to hit my goal.


How much voltage is too high for a 65nm proc? Ive heard running at 1.45v will hurt it after awhile.


The FSB voltage is 1.3 right now on a EVGA 780i will i also have to bump up the voltage of the FSB VTT to make the CPU stable, Im not sure of this because im not raising the FSB anymore im just making the CPU work harder, the board will stay at the current 1800mhz. (Which is rock solid)


Can anybody help me out with this. Im really struggling to make this stable at 4.05ghz.


Heres Current voltage: GTRL Lanes are set to +70 for all 4 cores. Will this have to hit around +100?




Thank you soooooo much guys! If i can get this chip to 4ghz it will make my 2009 :)


Edited by bg8780

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1.5v in the bios should be fine just cool that sucka down and you should be A-ok :thumbs-up:


1.4v isnt that much to a (65nm) quad. you can really go up to 1.5v easily without burning it out.

ive given my Q6600 1.7v+ and i still can get it up to 3.9 with a couple number changes.

all depending on your temps give it some more juice.



remember other things than the cpu voltage affect a major OC,

make sure your using the same BIOS you achieved your stable OC with.


could be alot still , plus if there is physical damage thats never a good sign but doesnt mean its that. i would be surprised if you PHYSICALLY damaged it that bad it wouldnt be overclocking really or even running very well stock .


whats it doing, not posting? freezing? bsod?

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i don't remember my 780i board too much so I don't know what optimal settings to run and what not. but I'd go as high as you are comfortable to go with the voltage. I'd ask around and see what the voltage limits for northbridge are in reference to it's stock cooler.

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ive given my 65nm quad 1.7v on my 780i. i wouldnt reccomend but it amazed me doing suicide runs, then said screw it and let it run seeing if it would ruin with decent temps and never did. i think the line with voltage really gets to be a thin line between product quality and temperature control.


dont just throw that at it. but i mean your using an extreme quad id hope that the friggin $800 more pricetag would allow it to handle the same if not way more. (hopefully)\

ive done a lot of clocking on my 780i (evga)

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thanks a lot man, any other tips to try and get this thing stable at 4?




Up the mcp a little bit (a notch or two, but no more than 1.45), give the ram the max voltage, and leave the cpu at 1.5125 (or a bit more if you have a bigger vdroop). Put mcp<->fsb (or whatever it's called) 2 notches up.

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uh i just looked at your pic and if your runnin that @ 1.4v in bios and its coming up 1.34 your getting a friggin vdroop issue. just get a #2 and fix it. worked likea charm on mine

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#2 pencil, it's a mod to fix vdroop which I am about ready to do to my board, have it set to 1.6v in BIOS and CPU-Z reads 1.54v.

Driving me crazy trying to get 3.5ghz stable atm. :angry2:

and you can do that to any motherboard?

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