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Overclocking My Phenom


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Well, it didn't fail hours into the test, it failed in under five minutes. I bumped up the memory voltage a little, and it lasted a little longer under prime95, but still failed.


I have the 790GX Chipset. I think the integrated graphics is an ATI Radeon 3300 or something.



Set your vcore to 1.37 volts and then up your bus speed that alone should get you some descent gaines. Also another thing to consider is what operating system are u running. I can get my 9850 stable at 2.975 max on Vista but I can get it to 3.22 stable on xp on air.

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Set your RAM divider to drop your ram speed down, you're running your memory quite a bit over spec.


Also - set your RAM voltage to 2.1 volts, that's what they are rated at.

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Is vcore speed listed as CPU over voltage in my BIOS or core VID?


Thewacokid, they are supposed to be running at 800MHz. Can you explain how you can tell it is running over spec and how I can fix it? I will bump up the RAM voltage, that would be the memory over voltage in my BIOS right?


*EDIT* Can someone tell me what the function and effect is of the ATIG reference clock?

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Thewacokid, they are supposed to be running at 800MHz. Can you explain how you can tell it is running over spec and how I can fix it? I will bump up the RAM voltage, that would be the memory over voltage in my BIOS right?

Look at your CPUZ screenshot for the memory page. Since you're overclocking your FSB, you're running your memory well above spec (510 MHz (FSB * 2) versus its rated 400 MHz). Setting it to 533 or 667 will stop your memory from limiting you so much.

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Ohhhh! I think I understand it now. I am overclocking the CPU/HT reference clock, which controls the speed that the northbridge communicates with the CPU, but at the same time I am increasing the speed at which the RAM operates, so even if I do drop it down it is still running at nearly it's rated speed. Does that sound right?


FSB=CPU/HT reference clock right?

That increases my RAM speed also, so instead of running at 800MHz it is running at 1020MHz?

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Exactly. Play with the dividers to get the memory frequency in CPUZ as close to 400 as possible (preferably slightly below since you're trying to overclock higher) and adjust it as needed when you start cranking the FSB again. :)

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I'll do that, but I know I didn't get it right, so would you explain to me how it works. I tried reading the overclocking guide on the homepage, but I really don't understand that, because it only shows a small picture, I would like the big picture and how everything fits and works together.


I'll do that.

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lol i got my cpu to 3.2 ghz lol stable man all it takes it alot of work and oh ya its aircooled lol

If i remember correctly in a previous post you made you said you had a 9850? Which is quite different from the 9550, and just because you got 3.2GHz doesn't mean he will too.


Anyways, here is a good guide for overclocking (They use AMD as an example) as well as configuring your ram/dividers:


Edited by damian

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Awesome thanks Damian.


I did just like Thewaco said, I bumped the CPU overvoltage to +.075, downclocked the RAM, and now I just finished running Prime95 for 45 minutes @ 2.85GHz. I am calling it stable, and I am going to try to bump it up even higher.


My stock clock is 2.2GHz, your stock clock is 2.5Ghz, you have only increased your clock 600MHz I have increased mine by 660MHz so far. You also have the unlocked multiplier.


Here is my stability testing. Still running at 38C.



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