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Brand New Psu Buzzing!

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Just built a new rig on Saturday and spent quite a bit of money getting the components I wanted. Everything is running great and I'm really made up with it.


I do have one problem though, as soon as I play a game the PSU starts making a strange buzzing noise, if I alt-tab to desktop the noise goes and when I alt-tab back to game its back! It's hard to describe how it sounds, its not the fan, it kind of soulnds like an old tv thats on its way out and you need to bang it on its side to get it running again! Does that make sense?? lol


The psu I got was a Hiper Type-R MKII 770W.


Should I be concerned about this???

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Did the PSU fit in the tower properly and fit snug? Or did you have to shrug and say guess it's good enough, it's not going anywhere. Could be vibrations? I've had that before.


Yes it fitted fine, it replaced my Hiper Type-R 580w which I had no problem with.


I thought of vibrations or maybe the fan but does that explain about when I alt-tab in and out of game?

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Some PSU fans will only spin during load When your alt-tab to your desktop this may be lowering the amount of power being drawn causing the fan to stop spinning.


Like stated above i bet it is vibrations of the fan spinning while under load.


Unless it bothers you i wouldn't worry.

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The psu I got was a Hiper Type-R MKII 770W.

Well first off don't buy a Hiper PSU again.


Second - there are many reasons your PSU could be making odd noises. Transistors can sing, inductors can whine, and other random parts can make odd noises as well. I have a few motherboards that make odd clicking noises when loaded down. :lol:


If the voltages are stable and the temperatures are in check I wouldn't worry about it though. :)

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Thanks all, I will do a check on voltage and temps when I finish work.


Been playing games for hours and had no problems, and with the sound bumped up like I have it you can't even hear it.


Will let you know if I get to the bottom of it though.


Oh yeah...whats wrong with Hiper PSU's?!?!

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Oh yeah...whats wrong with Hiper PSU's?!?!


Not all that great build quality. My dad's got one, and that's fine for his ageing system, but if you need stable rails (that meet the atx specification :rolleyes:)... :O

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  • 6 months later...

Sorry to bring up old threads but I thought this might come in useful to some.


My buzzing psu that I got back in December 08 is actually faulty, so if your psu starts buzzing when in game and you get frequent graphics corruption then maybe its your psu that is faulty and not the graphics card!


Its took me this long to figure this out so maybe this will help someone with a similar problem.



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Ok forget that last post, my new psu is doing the same thing with the graphic corruption in games.


Guess this means my GTX280 is faulty!!


Had this problem for 6 months now, every game I play after about 10 minutes all the graphics screw up.


Seems to be when my card gets to around 60C that everything in game just messes up.


Anyone help?

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