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Overclocking My Intel Duo 2 E8500


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I was wondering why is my computer restarting within 5 mins of gameplay!!! :unsure: :angry2: or anything that uses the processor heavily such as crysis.


here are my specs:






Edited by EliteHacker

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What 500W power supply? (I hope it's not an Apevia - eek)


What stability tests did you run? Memtest? Multithreaded Prime95? How long?


Do you have the memory voltages set to the manufacturers recommended?


Did you get a BSOD? If so, which one? You can write down the code if it happens again.

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What 500W power supply? (I hope it's not an Apevia - eek)


What stability tests did you run? Memtest? Multithreaded Prime95? How long?


Do you have the memory voltages set to the manufacturers recommended?


Did you get a BSOD? If so, which one? You can write down the code if it happens again.



APEVIA ATX-CW500WP4 500W ATX Power Supply

Memory voltages are default because I Haven't messed with the memory at all only the processor

No BSOD, Its just as if I pushed the reset button. But I didn't lol.

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APEVIA ATX-CW500WP4 500W ATX Power Supply

Memory voltages are default because I Haven't messed with the memory at all only the processor

No BSOD, Its just as if I pushed the reset button. But I didn't lol.


I had an Aspire (pre-name change) power supply destroy itself...and I spent a very long time debugging my computer after that...


Default memory voltages are usually insufficient for today's DDR2 modules. For your sake, verify what they need to be and set them to that voltage.


I'm going to say power supply if it's acting like that.


Does it do the same kind of behavior when you run Prime95?


How do you know it was stable at the stock speed?

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APEVIA ATX-CW500WP4 500W ATX Power Supply

Memory voltages are default because I Haven't messed with the memory at all only the processor

No BSOD, Its just as if I pushed the reset button. But I didn't lol.


First and foremost I implore you to get rid of that power supply. Look at the technical reviews on the internet. You can't find any! That's a bad sign. How anybody can invest all that money on quality hardware and install a $40.00 power supply is beyond me. Change it! Please.


Any 600-750W OCZ, Corsair, Thermaltake, etc. will do the job nicely.





Edited by paulktreg

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If you want a cheap PSU, you could with a Raidmax RX-580F (if you can still find one) I've had this PSU going on four to five years now and it holds it own easily.


If not go with anyone that has a reputation - Corsair, OCZ, Thermaltake, SeaSonic, etc.


As everyone else has suggested already, get rid of the Apevia PSU as it'll do you no good, toss it out and go on about your day with a unit that's 100x better.

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