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Is This Safe Operating Temp's

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I have my e6750 at 3.6Ghz and Zalman 9500AT on it, It idles around 45C and at 100% load both cores go up to 68C while the overall CPU temp is around 60C, is this normal especially when i have such a good HSF on it or is my proc a bit steamy? I'm using SpeedFan latest version to see my temps.

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Steamy for sure. I would start by reinstalling the HS with some arctic silver and if that doesnt fix it I would make sure the IHS isnt concave. If it is, lap it.

Edited by SMeeD

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I have my e6750 at 3.6Ghz and Zalman 9500AT on it, It idles around 45C and at 100% load both cores go up to 68C while the overall CPU temp is around 60C, is this normal especially when i have such a good HSF on it or is my proc a bit steamy? I'm using SpeedFan latest version to see my temps.

what voltage are you using on this overclock, cant say if they are high or not with out knowing the voltage you are using. Oh i see 1.44, need to know the ambeint temp. I had a E8500 on air at 4012 1.36volts, and it was running at 41c idel, 70c load so i dont think your processor is running to hot. You are within the safe operating temp so i would not worry about it.

Edited by crazy8s846

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Steamy for sure. I would start by reinstalling the HS with some arctic silver and if that doesnt fix it I would make sure the IHS isnt concave. If it is, lap it.


Hm that does not seem to bad, then again my first intel chip has been my E7200 so 1.44V is a lot in my eyes. Whats the average and danger zone voltages on 65nm chips smeed?

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As an E6750 owner, I say these temps are ok, but try not to go higher. Intel recommends 72C maximum.(Well for my stepping. I don't know if there are many, just refer to Intel CPU finder)


Also, the normal voltage is 1.35V and the maximum recommended is 1.5V.

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I guess they run alot more steamy than I thought. I guess they arent A64s haha. Mine runs extremely cool but I would agree once you get over 1.5-1.55v you could run into problems. Who knows though, core2s seem pretty hardy.

Edited by SMeeD

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