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How Fast Can It Go?


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I'd say further, maybe 3.4Ghz (with a new cooler and a bit of overvolting)


:withstupid: Maybe more, maybe less but that seems to be average for those chips. I got 3.4 with relatively no tweaking and a mobo I dont particularly like.

Edited by SMeeD

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With stock cooling voltage and heat are your biggest enemies to a successful overclock. Additionally each combination of parts will react differently. I would up the FSB until you get to the point where you cannot boot then back off 5MHz and test. Butdo not up your voltage to your CPU. go only as far as the stock volts will allow you to go.

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Guest zalophus

My e6550 peaked out @ 3.2GHz with Zalman 90mm 9500AT, and 1.36v. Ran very stable and temps never >48C. Sweet spot ended up at 7x400=2.8GHz, and 1.20 CPU:DRAM.

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