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Gtx 260 Freezing In Game


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i just replaced my 2 8800 gts's with a gtx 260 and when i play cysis it sometimes freezes the game i have updated all drivers after unstalling all the old ones and it still does it any one have any sugestions?

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Then try to underclock it. If the problems are gone, then put it back to stock speeds. Test again, and if they come back, the card is definitely not stable at manufacturer's clocks. So you would need to RMA it.

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Does the game freeze up at a certain mission or certain spot when your playing the game? Or just a random un-predictable spot?


Since the computer is not overclocked in anyway I'm thinking that its either


A) There is driver or software issue or conflicting conguring causing the problem.

B) If the game freezes up in only 1 spot all the time or most of the time it's possible its just a bug in the game.


If you can try to install more games on your computer and play them and see if the problem occurs in other games. Also try download and installing 3dmark06 and running it through a couple of times to see weather the computer freezes up or not.

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Does the game freeze up at a certain mission or certain spot when your playing the game? Or just a random un-predictable spot?


Since the computer is not overclocked in anyway I'm thinking that its either


A) There is driver or software issue or conflicting conguring causing the problem.

B) If the game freezes up in only 1 spot all the time or most of the time it's possible its just a bug in the game.


If you can try to install more games on your computer and play them and see if the problem occurs in other games. Also try download and installing 3dmark06 and running it through a couple of times to see weather the computer freezes up or not.


i do have the cpu overclocked but the thing that bugs me is before there werent ever any freezes when i was running the 8800's now that i have the 260 it freezes randomly the video card however is not overclocked at all.

my sig is acurate with exception to the vid cards

i'm going to try underclocking them to see if it helps any but i think it will just get worse

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i just ran 3dmark vantage and it ran fine not the best score i dont think P10658. gonna try running system restore to see if that helps i think maybe the game files might have gotten screwed up i'll report back later

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