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Athlon 64 3000+


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$215 is half of what I paid for the 64 3200+, I would have gladly paid half price for this one instead of mine but ahhh well such is the course of progress.


The question is, what's your take? Is it a good time to go 64bit?

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i don't think it's a bad time to go for it. consider a A64 3000+ with a abit kv8-max3 m/b is about $375. less then $100 more then say a XP3000+ and NF7-S. XP-64 is comming out...whenever it gets here. there will be a 64 bit edition of HL2, and one can only asume photoshop, and similar apps will have 64-bit versions released.


Will next year be a better time? Of couse that goes without saying. If you had waited til now to get a Tbred based system you sure can get a hell of a deal.

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I won't switch to 64 bit for awhile because the hardware will change quickly. Yes it is nice to have bragging rights but in the long term it just isn't going to matter. I would rather pick up mid range equipment and when the hardware is a little more mature move over.

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Guest Ballz2TheWallz

well big red is holding out on us he has longhorn 64 and XP 64 straighht from M$ betas from when he worked there if only he shared :(:( <_<

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Guest Ballz2TheWallz

.......he no work for M$ no more who would find out? anyway M$ steals from us. oh well theres always kazaa(im not downloading it i here its beta is way to bugged and slower than XP anway im not gonna install it on one of my working pc's my parents will have a crap fit)

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I don't mess with OS beta's unless I am on the testing team. :shrug:


And, I am going to stick with smaller upgrades for now (probably a 2500+ next) until pci express comes out. And then I'll upgrade my whole system with the hope that it will remain the standard for some time. :)

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