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Winning the bet (wolfdale+commando)

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the sticker said 2.1-2.3 volts. and the store certainly had no stock at all. ill see if i can find info on the ocz site.


If that's what is on the sticker, then you may well have "old stock". But use Cpuz to double check on the rated Vdimm.

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You know its going to be very sad if we prod Kranky into overclocking that P35-DS3R and E8200 and she whips you in the race...and she aint even a contestant...


I can hear it now....Repr gets beat by a forum girl in overclock contest...lol


Just messing with you man...good work...


You ALL make me want to buy a new rig...;)

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i remember some time ago reading a first article about this cpu called: "The E8400 will hit 4ghz on air with ease!!"


i have to say i got to agree with that. so far the only thing i had to do to reach the 4ghz is increase the vcore and fsb. what they failed to mention is what happened after 4ghz :P


loading with an fsb of 475 (4.2ghz) on 2.3vcore crashed after 2 seconds of orthos. i increased the vcore with steps of 0.025 all the way up to 2.5. orthos kept unstable. i tried increasing the NB voltage, but same result.


So i dropped the multiplier.

curent stable system:


FSB: 515 mhz

CPU multiplier: x8

Core speed: 4120mhz

Memory: 1030mhz

CPU vcore: 1.4 (1.375 rated by cpu-z)

Temp........gettin hot. its 60 on realtemp 2.24. i dont dare to use another program becouse most end up 10 degrees hotter.

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last round


ive tried hitting 4.3-4.4 ghz. though my cpu and board can handle it, it needs a vcore of 1.5 and up. the thing that holds me back here is cooling. according to real temp the temps hit 70 degrees after 10 minutes. there is a lot of talking about the thermal sensors on the e8400's are way off, im not gonna take the risk


current status:


cpu multiplier: 8x

FSB: 525

CoreSpeed: 4200mhz

Dram clock speed:1050mhz

Vcore: 1.45

Dram core: 2.25


Temps: 60 on both core after 1 hour.


raising on the same vcore wont hold stable, raising vcore will kick me into the 70's.....so tomorrow i hope to make a OCDB entry

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try adjusting the ram and other settings once you get that high...they play more into the equation at high fsb...once you get aeverything dialed in right you'll be able to drop the vcore on the CPU a tad

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