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Radeon Cooling

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ah,i like going over the edge sometimes,the 80mm thermaltake smartfan fan is quite powerful for the application,the draft that comes off the the sides of the video card could fly a kite!(lol)

a good 60mm fan would do the job just fine.practically anything is better than the original fans a video card comes with,before i made the mod my son had his computer open and had a 12 inch table fan blowing into the case.(i wonder where he get's his ideas from?lol) :P

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You people are crazy...and my mom is like, Why do you need to do this again? And my step-dad was all like, Why do you have to mess with it, its not a toy. And i'm like sure it isn't...


I like the good old days when computers where toys you have to put together and bulid and everything, Oh, wait...thats what I'm doin in my new box! :P

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