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Laptop Buildage


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How does building a laptop go? I mean, obviously youd have use different, laptop specific hardware, but is it doable



I was going to write some more things to pad out my post, because i hate starting new topics and not writing much, but i cant think of anythign else to say :D


cheers, EE

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Even if it is possible, there isn't much point to it. It won't save you money (in fact, due to the price of individual laptop parts, it would probably end up costing you a lot more), you can't overclock it, (overclocking a laptop? pfft) and the working space inside laptops is horrid.


If your interested with a laptop, stick with the prebuilt ones.

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I agree building a laptop is pointless. I just repaired two of them this week and they blow there's no room for extras and the parts are outragous in pricing. There actually in my opinion just as easy to work on as a tower, in fact i tore these two compaqs down in less time than it takes to do a tower had them fixed and back together in under an hour, both of them. But ya it would be pointless to build one, your better off going to buy one and have the warrenty to cover repairs of the over priced crappy parts. Oh but if your really interested in doing it, then I would say get as much crap from ebay as you can and go from there.

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yeah i would say if u wanna go small to let the professional prebuitl people do. i mean even in pc's like the shuttle cases its still pretty hard to get them cooled and such a small space. but it can be done.

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