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Upgrade AMD 64 4000+ To FX-60...


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When I first purchased my motherboard I told myself that I would do the utmost to get the utmost out of it before building a new system so in that regard I need some 'real world' advice from you kind folks...


Would it be worthwhile for me to exchange my 4000+ processor for a FX-60?...Would I notice a drastic difference in performance?...Would a gamer such as myself be satisfied with the upgrade or would I be making a piss poor investment when considering the price of the FX-60 (currently $394.99 @ Newegg) and the availability of all the processors for AM2?...


At the moment I can swallow $394.99 but I'm not prepared to invest in a new processor and new memory and a new motherboard...


What say ye?...All advice and friendly criticism is welcome...Thank you...

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If you're not an Overclocker then yeah an FX-60 would be a good idea.

But if you are, an Opteron 165 or above, or a X2 4400+ might be a better idea, get FX-60 performance for a quarter of the price :)


Agree with this even that I got one for sale right now! It does 3G on water and never run on air! Send me a PM if you interested! :)

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Thanks for the response fellas...Sincerely appreciate it...


Decided on a Opteron 185...


Now I need a recommendation for a after market cooler, heatsink/fan setup that'll keep the CPU nice and cool while I push it a bit...There's so many available that I'm suffering from a mild case of information overload...Do you guys have any favorites?...Preferably a heatsink that includes a fan instead of the 'fan not included' deal and...Should I go with the tried and true AS5?...


P.S. Water cooling is a bit too involved for my tastes...


Thanks for your input...

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Can anyone with 1st hand experience recommend the best after market HS/F cooling solution for these Opteron processors?...


In reading the Newegg 'Customer Reviews' HERE (5th post down), the stock cooler that shipped with the unit was the "AVC Z7U7414001 AM2 / 939 Heatsink" which recieved very favorable reviews HERE...Can anyone confirm this?...


For me price-wise, water cooling is out of the question...


Thank you for your recommendations...


P.S. I asked this question in a old thread I created ("Upgrade AMD 64 4000+ To FX-60") however the topic title was irrelevant to this question so I created this new topic...

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