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i whant to make sli on dfi lp ultra-d

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-i whant to make sli on dfi lp ultra-d , but when i buyed my motherboar becasuse she didnt suport sli they didnt gave me an sli bridge

-i know than DFI lan-party ultra-d can be moded into SLI

-the probem is that i dont have an sli brige and i so on some sites that sli bridgen for dfi ar not compatible with sli bridgen on asus ?

- i found someone with and asus sli bridge and whant to buy it but dont know if its compatibe

-can someone help me in this

-and what the chances that when i mod my board will work ?



ps: i have an 7900gs leadtek, and leadtek didnt gave an sli bridge , i know someone who buyed an 7600gt from Saphyre and they gave him an sli bridge , will that work for me , i have this option to buy his sli bridge


TKZ !!!

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I haven't ever used SLI but I believe the SLI gap can vary so...


You need to measure the gap between the centre of the two PCIE GPU slots.

You then need to find an SLI bridge of that length and buy it.


You could possibly contact DFI and say you have lost yours SLI bridge for the nF4 Ultra-D SLI and see if they will flog you one (no need to know you modded it)

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I have an extra bridge that fits for an SLI-dr Expert board... if anyone knows whether it will fit your board or not, let me know and you can have it for cheap :-) I have no use for it...


Also, I saw flexible ones on ebay for like a tenner or so a couple months ago...

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that is correct all SLI bridges are the same (Except for the distance of course). I don't think there is a difference in distance between any of the DFI NF4 boards (That is the ultra-d, SLI-D, SLI-DR, and SLI-DR Expert)

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