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Zalman CNPS9500

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Am I the only one who has had a problem with this HSF? This thing is BARELY making contact and I can move it around with ease after installing it. Is that how it's supposed to be? Seems crappy to me.

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I bought the Zalman CNPS 9700 which is basically just a bigger version of the 9500 and I am able to twist it around a bit when I install it. However I have ambient temps around 22C and I have my Opty 165 at 2.7Ghz at 1.35v and my load temps are mid 30's


My idle temps aren't the problem. On load I am getting 50-51c temps which is worse than the OEM HSF that comes with Opterons.

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Yeah I have the CNPS 9500 AM2 and mine twists quite a bit. I haven't noticed any problem with the cooling yet so I haven't bothered trying the stock HSF.

I did yank it once and remove the thermal paste that came with it in order to add AS5 and it seemed like it was stuck pretty well with that paste. I feel confident it is making contact, just not as tight of a fit as I am used to... I figure as long as the temps look good no reason to fret right?

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I think it depends on where you put that piece of metal through the HSF, if you know what I mean. If you put it where the pipes are it should be better I think. I did it that way and it was impossible to move. My friend did it in another way, and one day the damn thing actually fell off:rolleyes:

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Mine is through the pipes too, but still kinda shaky. Had to put it that way so it would blow out the back of my case, through my rear fan. Kind of a pain getting that sucker through the pipes too...


Now that I think of it, I could probably just bend that little piece of metal with some pliers or something and get it to hold a little tighter... Might try that when I get home.

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