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So you think you want to go Windows Vista huh? (part 2, Angry's rant)


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Well I didn't hear or rather choose to hear any bad things about XP when I was using 98. The second it was for sale I had to have it and I never looked back once, true I didn't use 2k all that much but I believe its just a dulled down version of XP. When My PC crashes now which doesn't happen hardly at all, I know its something Ive done. With 98 things got thrown around the room, and dammit I miss my favorite ashtray.


I liked Vista when I first used it but I liked it cause I was a noob and I expected the same leap in user friendly GUI that I got with XP, but after the initial shine wore off I found that silly little things like a decent firewall or anti virus were nonexistent. So when they are done and dusted and its as secure as XP (I know it still has its flaws but hey its the best us casual users have) then I'll give Vista another try.


I guess it really does depend on hard and software vendors to make or write better stuff but they are gonna go with the money train and if 90% of people still have a P4 and XP then its just gonna make it even longer for Vista.


Good thread though I'll keep an wandering eye here to tell me when its safe to come out into vista land.

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Guess I should update the rig in my sig. That rig is actually running on my desk at the office now. I have VISTA Business with the SP1 beta installed and haven't had an issue so far. It's only has a single video card installed in it at any time so I haven't played with SLI on it at all.

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I haven't read every post in this thread, so I don't know if I'm rehashing old ground. Also, this post is not about Vista not supporting SLI since my laptop w/Vista isn't SLI capable anyway. I bought the @#$%^ thing simply because it did have Vista Home Premium on it; I had the money and wanted to try it out - just that simple. Also because the rig had a decent Go card in it (7900GS) - yes, I know, not even a DX10 card. Thing is, or was, I was in Iraq at the time and the only source of entertainment was movies or PC games and my old laptop had embedded graphics...


Anyway, getting back to Vista - in my admitted limited experience of it - on one laptop with a DX9 card - it sucks holy hell for gaming. First of all, Vista uses hidden files to write all of your programs to. The program itself says it's installing in Program Files and sure enough, if you look in Computer there it is in Program Files. Only thing is, if you want to do major changes like delete a folder Vista won't allow it even if you are running as an Administrator because the real folder's actually in the hidden section of Vista. Not something your average Joe's gonna know who is upgrading from XP.


Now, back in the day I ran a slimmed down version of 98 with IE completely removed from Windows and downloaded separately. I used Firefox or Opera or anything other than IE anyway for most things. This, among other things, made 98 very fast and a lot more stable than your plain jane 98 install. So when XP first came out and there were all sorts of driver problems and games not working right with the OS, I was with all the rest slamming XP and singing 98's praises - even though everyone had complained for years about how slow and insecure and buggy 98 was! lol


I finally made the switch to XP after SP2 came out and MS announced they would no longer be supporting 98 and immediately noticed a slight speed difference. After just a few months of using XP I was sold on the new OS. Now Vista's here with no SP package out yet - or has SP1 come out? I don't even know. All I do know is, is that Vista sucks for gamers even though it was touted as being the latest and greatest for gamers. MS has already come out and said that they are going to stop support for XP, so even though I'm still singing XP's praises and installing XP Pro on my newest rig later this month; I already know that by the time SP2 for Vista comes out, myself along with the rest of the PC gamer public will make the switch and everyone will be praising Vista.


My 2 cents.

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Laptop or Desktop, with VISTA, RAM is the key to performance.


A rig that ran XP with 512MB is a pig with Vista. You have to throw a lot of RAM at VISTA to keep the pagefile use down to a minimum.


Even with 1GB of RAM you can still see a performance increase by moving up to 2GB of RAM.


There's no reason so far to jump to 4GB of RAM since 32bit VISTA still only sees 3.4GB available and I haven't been able to measure a performance increase moving from 2GB to 3GB or 4GB installed.

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Laptop or Desktop, with VISTA, RAM is the key to performance...Even with 1GB of RAM you can still see a performance increase by moving up to 2GB of RAM.

I should have mentioned that I have 2 gigs of RAM on my laptop. It was advertised as a gaming laptop and if it had XP on it, it would be a helluva better gaming laptop than with Vista on it at this point in time. Yes, I do play games on it; but once I get my new desktop built, I never will again.

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  • 4 months later...

SP1 is coming, and the majority of us who hate Vista will of course be giving it another shot, especially now that DX10 hardware is affordable and many more gaming titles are using it.


How will it fare? Will Angry and crew still hate it like Conservatives hate John McCain (and Hillary Clinton!)?


Time will tell, but once we have a good grasp on SP1 (30-90 days after as that is how long it takes to un-break what a Service Pack breaks), you can expect to see a flurry of posting.


In the meantime, I along with just about everyone else on staff is simply not interested in release candidates and betas for the service pack. So that's why no one is really talking about it. A true service pack rollout is where you will see the majority of Vista users installing it.


Let's hope for the best because I still feel Vista is the biggest, most laughable piece of . project Microsoft ever embarked on. I'd really like to not feel this way, but until MS gives me incentive to think otherwise, this is going to be my opinion: wait until Windows 7 (whatever comes after Vista).


Let's keep our fingers crossed kids!

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SP1 for Vista is so malignant it is almost laughable.


One of the three prerequisite patches that must be applied before SP1 can be installed actually breaks machines in certain(according to MS "unique") circumstances. It's so bad they actually suspended the update.




Once again, customers have been forced to pay for Beta software and live with its failings until Microsoft can get the OS mature enough for actual use.


I have Vista installed on a single "non-production" rig at the office. I still use XP for all my "real" computing needs.


With the utter FAIL that Windows Home Server has turned out to be, MS couldn't code their way out of a wet paper bag.


See here for the WHS clusterfnck...


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jesus roadie that list for WHS corruption IS a clusterxxxx. Well, as of right now, my opinion about Vista and anything MS releases is still very negative.


While there will be a few fans of Vista who will complain about our hating, they should always keep in mind the majority of us have customers or businesses or business customers (the most important of all!) and when you break something in the OS, you literally break the company's ability to function properly, and can even cause the business to lose money.


It's always funny how MS keeps pushing their new . on everyone, ESPECIALLY business/enterprise, but when the backlash is huge like it always is with a new OS that doesn't function properly, they turn a deaf ear and act like they don't hear the negative backlash, they only hear the three companies (probably owned in some way by MS or someone who works for MS or owns a lot of stock in MS) who tout it as the next best thing since oral ..


Take a look at the long list of FAILS now from MS:





Xbox Live (now with even MORE disconnects, DRM issues, etc!!!)


I'm probably missing a few MS fails here but it's early and I'm still quite sick with the flu.


My biggest complaint is that there is simply zero competition, so we are all forced to eat Microsoft's feces if we want to game or run a business. Which is about 95% of computer use...

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Take a look at the long list of FAILS now from MS:





Xbox Live (now with even MORE disconnects, DRM issues, etc!!!)


I have had to use Vista 64 for work for what feels like 90 years but in reality is probably 90 days, all I can say is, if you edit that FAILS list to red:





Xbox Live (now with even MORE disconnects, DRM issues, etc!!!)


it would be more accurate. LOL

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Actually I was trying to kick Vista while it's down by saying it's slower and worse quality than the old VHS video. And after using it for a while I'm defo going back to XP Pro. I'll see what others say about Vista SP1 before I go there again.

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Actually I was trying to kick Vista while it's down by saying it's slower and worse quality than the old VHS video.


Windows Home Server is built upon Windows Server 2003. It has an excellent core and capabilities.


It seems that the major issue is that while the WHS is performing it's "Duplication" functions(Replication for you Server 2003 users) it has a tendency to corrupt large that are being accessed at the same time.


Sounds like some one hosed up some DRM routines.


I hope they get it resolved soon because I want to start using WHS for several clients rather than full-blown Server 2003.

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