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35% System-resources Enough For Gaming (win98se)?


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I have this problem: when I am browsig the internet for a longer time, this eats up my systemresources completely. After that even when I close all programs I dont need and also force Explorer to restart itself, I sometimes get system ressources under 50% (the lowest fo all of the 3 categories GDI, System, User was about 35%).


My question: is this enough for playing games? If not, does anyone know a program which can free system ressources (50% free would be enough, I know that). After the boot I have over 80% free ressources althought I ahve more programs running than when I do gaming.

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This probably isn't the answer you're looking for, but you should really upgrade to WinXP. It's so much faster than more stable than 98 could ever dream of being. It handles resources a lot better too.

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Yeah, I would definately upgrade. I did some research into win98's resource problem and there isn't really much you can do. Some programs claim to free up the resources, but they don't really work. If you want a stable operating system that you don't have to constantly restart, check out win2k pro or winxp pro. They are both exceptional operating systems.

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This probably isn't the answer you're looking for, but you should really upgrade to WinXP.  It's so much faster than more stable than 98 could ever dream of being.  It handles resources a lot better too.


I have downloaded partition magic and maybe I will try to make a second partition for WinXp and install it in dual boot, but I would prefer to continue using because Win98 is still the best system for games and I dont want to spend over 100$ for a new M$-OS.


btw, I also want to install mandrake Linux on a third partition if it is possible. Is there a boot manager, which can be used for Win98 XP and Linux when Win98 is on the primary partition (C:)?

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you say win98 is best for game but the only game i have played that didnt like XP was doom 2


I have read a review in the german game magazin Gamestar in November 2001, shortly after WinXP came out. Even a lot aof the at that time new games didnt run w/ XP or only ran w/o sound, and nearly none of the old games ran properly.

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Everybody has thier own opinion of what is best.XP Pro . but im still running 98se. soon to be Xp,ive seen the difference it makes in stability.i can understand not wanting to spend the money and having an os thats had every virus in the world sent at it but still cmon .

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Oh yah, with XP you can't play the sims according to my sister whoopedydoo. So unless you are playing anything DOS based, The Sims, or Doom II just upgrade. And I know it has is security problems but at least there are patches. I know I would never go back to 98, though XP has kinda made me lazy.

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back on topic for a second. 35% of resources is relative. 35% of my system maybe more like 80% of other systems.


but back to the actual suggestion of xp. It also has it's compatability mode. It has the ability to trick most programs into thinking it's something other than xp. dos is the only thing you'd really loose (build P1 for stuff like that... face it most dos games run funny on a modern system). And like I said earlier. Doom3 is ONLY for NT 5 or later (2k, xp, longhorn) and has NO support for the 9x versions (95, 98, ME). I'm sure it's not the only game to go that route.

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I have read a review in the german game magazin Gamestar in November 2001, shortly after WinXP came out. Even a lot aof the at that time new games didnt run w/ XP or only ran w/o sound, and nearly none of the old games ran properly.

you realize how long ago that was don't you?


for one thing...the games that were old then...are ancient now, and down the line. i've heard of certain hardware not working when switching from 9x to xp, but if the vendor is worth 2 cents, then they have released new drivers by now

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