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Squeeze out all those Mhz!

Guest RohypnoL_merged

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Guest RohypnoL

Recently I've hit 3GHz Prime stable with my 3700+ Sandy, but I'm definitely not satisfied, no, not as a DFIer. We're going to see how good this Storm block really is.


Right now I'm running 3020Mhz with 1.78v going through this puppy just to be stable.. that is.. game stable. We'll see how she fairs the prime test when I wake up in the afternoon. Priming as I type this up!





Mid-Prime: No errors yet! Temps went up a bit though.



Prime Done: Kind of; Barely made it!



Edit: Vcore down to 1.677

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Guest RohypnoL

Not much you can't see in my sig. I forgot to add that I'm leaving my windows open all night (and freezing my butt off by doing so) to keep this thing so cool.

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Guest RohypnoL
That's dedication.


Dare I say as long as my CPU is happy.. I'm happy? LOL. C'mon, it's not that cold. Only 48F in here. Plus, look at my CPU temp. 36c while priming with 1.78v going through it!! That is beautiful!

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Dare I say as long as my CPU is happy.. I'm happy? LOL. C'mon, it's not that cold. Only 48F in here. Plus, look at my CPU temp. 36c while priming with 1.78v going through it!! That is beautiful!


True true, I'm on the East Coast with you and it has been rather warm this winter.

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Guest RohypnoL
If you get cold you can huddle around your cpu (after it bursts into flames) lol.


Good idea... hopefully that doesn't happen. Very mean of you to think like that! I'm disappointed!

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Volts dont kill cpu's, idiots with bad cooling kill CPU's (pun intended, no im not refering to RohypnoL as an idiot, quite the opposite)



THIS ABSOLUTELY WRONG! Read THIS and than you will know why you shouldn’t put so much voltage on you CPU!

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