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Just ordered my Opty 165!!


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Well, I just ordered my 165 and a Scythe Ninja to go in my Christmas present Antec P180, and I know this might be premature surrendering but if I get it to 2.6GHz stable I will be one happy camper. Obviously, 3GHz on air will be a tough feat, but stranger things have happened. All I really have to hope for is that the proc maxes out somewhere around a divider for 270MHz memory, as I can run that at 3-3-3-7@1T with no problems. Anyways, just wondering how far people how far people have gotten with 165s on the Expert.... I can never figure out how to use the search function to get what I want.. I'm spoiled on Google. I'll update when it gets here!

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Well, I will be honest, with the 4/6/06 official BIOS, the board WILL NOT boot with two sticks initially- you have to set it up with one stick, set Team timings, and then insert the other one. I learned this with lots of headaches. Other than that, I LOVE the memory- Everest shows bandwidth of over 7400MB/s read and almost 3100MB/s write, so needless to say it ain't shabby. I've been to 270MHz at 250MHz "stock" timings, and probably could go faster with tweaking, although my tweak nerve is actually kinda calm right now. OTOH, at $220/2GB at TankGuys, this is absolutely worth every penny. I haven't even found the upper limit of memory clock yet, because for some reason my board doesn't boot at memory dividers >1:1, so we'll see how far it goes with the 9x multi of the Opty. I'm hoping there's some way of getting it over 300MHz@ 1:1, so I will keep everyone posted.

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the newest 165's from the egg............


Coolit freezer, 14/15*c at idle (ambient is the same).


9x350, 1.52v, and i haven't tried for more, not one blue screen, but got one freezola while benching at this speed...........


presently running 9x344, 1.47v.


i am sure this one would get 3 gig with ease on air only.


where did you order yours from?


i posted a screenie in another section...........



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Yea, sadly, when I pulled the Ninja out, one of the fan blades was busted off, and some of the fins on one corner were smushed down, even though no external damage was there. So I called the Egg, told them I didn't want to RMA the whole thing, and they gave me a $15 credit for the damaged fan. So I got my Ninja for $19.99! Pulling the FX out now :) I hope my 165 does at least 2.8, that would be awesome!

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Heh heh. It looks like I might run into the max OC of my memory @ 1:1 VERRRRRRY fast here- I dropped the VID back to auto, stuck in the 165, and cranked it up. I left the HTT at 260, and it went right into Windows with no problems. Super Pi is awful slow at 2300MHz. LOL so I am off to see where the OC takes me! Oh yeah- the Ninja, with no attached fans, has the Opty idling at 76*, the room temp is 71*. Nice.

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