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Barton CPU question

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I've heard a lot of talk about unlocking Bartons and how the newer ones can't be unlocked, Mobiles are always unlocked etc. I have a XP 2800 Barton (266 FSB type) CPU and was wondering if this was already unlocked, can't be unlocked, etc...


Here's what the label on the CPU says:


AXDA2800DKV4C F371545270012

AQXDA 0314WPDW 1999


Can anybody tell me what I really have here, and/or what it's capable of?





Edit 12/4/2006 - Just a quick update. Now that I have my power issues solved (I had a hard drive drawing tremendious amounts of power, causing all sorts of wierd intermitant problems), I took the plunge and upped my FSB to 200Mhz and my multi to 11. And have been running stable for 19+ hours under Prime95. This using all stock (SPD) memory settings, as well as stock CPU volages (1.65v)! And to top it off my full load CPU temp only went up 1 degree C! to 46C.


So I'm a happy camper for now, at 2207MHz. I'll start pushing it a little harder next weekend, but for now I'm happy with it the way it is.


Thanks for all the help and support I've received this is probably the best forum I've ever been involved with.

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on A64 cpu you can lower the multiplier, but anything higher is LOCK, on athlon XP cpu the multiplier is lock Upper and lower,


on athlon XP rig the goal is to reach the highest FSB. in other word 250*10 will perform alot better then 200*12.5


since the multi are lock in both way you can (if you're enough brave) unlock your cpu multiplier and get the highest fsb you can get


on mobile XP like the one i have in my nf2 rig, the multiplier are unlock lower and upper, but those are mobile chip and they are realy hard to find these days

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Thanks to all for the guidance.

And thanks Snowpro for the link to the AMD forum. It's given me a little more confidence in trying to tweak this rig.


So let me see if I understand this (I'm a noob to this OC stuff so if I get it wrong, please correct me). I'm running this XP2800 on a LP-NF2-B...


I'm not looking for a real overclock yet, (starting out small), so currently with "Optimized" setting in BIOS, I'm running an FSB of 133 and a multiplier of 16 which if my math is correct, works out to 133x16=2128. (Actually runs at 2138, but who's counting)


So if I up the FSB to 166 and change the multi to 13, I should stay around stock at 2158MHz, and 200 FSB x 11 multi, should give me 2200Mhz.


These would give me a modest OC, and give me a basis to test stability, correct?


Next question, should I lock the PCI & AGP bus to 66, I would imagine if I don't I'll probably start having random video, LAN and USB errors, correct?



Thanks again for helping a noob out, I appreciate it.

(Will probably need a lot of hand holding while trying to figure this stuff out in my own mind).

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ive lock them to 66 on my nf2 rig


and at 11*200 you will see a performance boost compare to 133*16,


just for fun run all the memroy test in everest. @ both 11*200 and 16*133


you will be abble to compare and maybe post result :D

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Just to test to see if it's unlocked just try to boot it at 200x11... if it boots...test it out... I would check using cpu-z...


I think the date code is the important link here... if it's 0332 or before...03 being the year and 32 being the week...I have heard of some being unlocked as far as week 34....


If it is unlocked...that just means the downward multies are unlocked...(16 and lower)


That also means you can perform the L12 mod if you wish....thats the mod that make the chip boot to 200mhz fsb by default...instead of the 133 it is now....


There were 2 variants of the 2800 just like there were 4 or 5 total variants of the 2600 cpu..desktop models...


you may have to up the vcore to get it stable.... most will do 200x11 on 1.675...you may try that or go right to 1.7 to make sure it boots then back it off a little to make sure it passes...


if you do a search you should find the AMD chart (I thing H_G has one on his home page somewhere) with all the XP date codes with core coding and steppings... this will tell you the most about your chip....


I found this....



no mention of your chip...


your chips is of a few barton core variants...one of which is a 2.13ghz and another being 2.08ghz....


there was also a Thourobred core which was a 333fsb chip (as was the barton core 2.08ghz) that ran 2.25ghz...


A yahoo search find many hits on thse chips...so prepare to read...

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