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Ok. Finally got a break from the christmas craziness.. lol. so here are my settings.


FSB Bus Frequency............................. - 334

LDT/FSB Frequency Ratio....................... - X3

CPU/FSB Frequency Ratio....................... - X9

PCI eXpress Frequency......................... - 100Mhz


CPU VID StartUp Value......................... - 1.550v


CPU VID Control............................... - 1.475

CPU VID Special Control....................... - 104%

LDT Voltage Control........................... - 1.30v

Chip Set Voltage Control...................... - 1.70v

DRAM Voltage Control.......................... - 2.70v[/color]


DRAM Configuration Settings:

DRAM Frequency Set............................ - 150=RAM/FSB:03/04

Command Per Clock (CPC)....................... - Enable

CAS Latency Control (Tcl)..................... - 3

RAS# to CAS# delay (Trcd)..................... - 4

Min RAS# active time (Tras)................... - 8

Row precharge time (Trp)...................... - 3

Row Cycle time (Trc).......................... - 16 Bus Clocks

Row refresh cyc time (Trfc)................... - 18 Bus Clocks

Row to Row delay (Trrd)....................... - 02 Bus Clocks

Write recovery time (Twr)..................... - 02 Bus Clocks

Write to Read delay (Twtr).................... - 02 Bus Clocks

Read to Write delay (Trwt).................... - 03 Bus Clocks

Refresh Period (Tref)......................... - 3120 Cycles

DRAM Bank Interleave.......................... - Enabled


DQS Skew Control.............................. - Auto

DQS Skew Value................................ - 0

DRAM Drive Strength........................... - normal4

DRAM Data Drive Strength...................... - level4

Max Async Latency............................. - 11ns

DRAM Response Time............................ - fastest

Read Preamble Time............................ - 7.0

IdleCycle Limit............................... - 128 Cycles

Dynamic Counter............................... - Disable

R/W Queue Bypass.............................. - 16 x

Bypass Max.................................... - 07 x

32 Byte Granularity........................... - Disable(4 Bursts)


hope that helps. I'll put up some ss later on

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I tried a bunch of different voltage combo's and still I was unable to get it passed my current setting of 2943MHz - RAM on a 150 divider. I went a little crazy and tried 2970 @ 1.65V it ran dual p95 for 21mins, until I shut it down. I wasn't really wanting to ran at that voltage and my temps were hitting 53~54C.:sweat: With the lower volts, <1.55 I could reach around 323~324*9 anything after that I had to give it over 1.6V.

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Did you go straight from stock to those settings?


No this is where i started out. I have been too busy installing software/playing to change anything. Maybe i'll change it up later; but for now im just enjoying it. I have the same ram as you (except 512x 2). I did try the 166 for the ram and it worked fine, but i didnt Prime it,,,so....

2x512 OCZ Platinum EL 4001024ELDCPE-K

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Yeah.. I'm priming it right now while I'm at work , but after reading the rules, I should be running two instances of prime95 instead of orthos so I'm going to have to redo that later. Can't tell you the vcore off the top of my head but I'll let you know when I get home.


I there a specific issue with orthos, It's what I use to test stability...Previously I did use the 2 instances of prime95 but orthos is easier to use and has a better interface. I'd just like to know if there is some disadvantage to using Orthos, or if it's just for an OCDB entry requiring 2 instances of Prime95






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There have been some changes to my CPU. Now it's nekid. My core temps have dropped 10C. I'm doing some testing and will see where it ends up. Was testing dual P95 at 334*9 1.61V, it ran for 31mins then core two failed. Temps were 48C, #1core 62C, #2core 66C. This is again an improvement since it would fail instantly before. We'll see were it ends up but I expect a better OC then this. :nod: Happy New Year

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