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Hey Will This Work ?


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If put my radiater strate in cold water instead of haveing a fan on it do you think that will cool it better.?

A little help on this whould be great im going to try it and see what i get ill let you know how it works.



P.S im new to the boards this is a great site

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Thats what i was thinking so what if i add to fans on to that to cool the water.

To me i think that it whould be better then cooling the radiater it self with fans.

If you ask me im trying to think of a way to just chill the water to ceep it cold

Thx for the help

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Though overall the cooling capacity for the water is better, this is only when it is cold outside. If the water sits in heat it feels like the first water to come out of the hose on a hot day. This water is way hotter then ambient and you would be better off with fans instead. Plus if you have sub-ambient temperature in the water you could get condensation on the CPU :( . So water will cool better but it is suseptible to swings in temperature that could be harmful.

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If your gonna run fans on the rad box, why not go ahead and run them on the rad and save the space. Your gonna need alot of spae to attempt that, and even then I think you'll see better results with just a regular system. Also...It would take some pretty big, high flowing fans to cool a tank of water.

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Well one easy way, maybe not easy but one way to do it.

Would be to make yer own watercooling bong and put yer rad in it.

U would need a second pump for the bong.


I explored this idea at one time. U would have to learn to use arylic and make a decent looken bong, if ya want it to look nice. And you would need a second pump.

If you did it right you could have the pump push suck the water threw your rad.



Below ambiet cooling

Dirty bong water does not make it into yer blocks





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Cooling a radiator with water just defeats the purpose of having a radiator. After all, the radiator is supposed to cool the water, not the other way around. Right?


If you really want the water cooler than the room temp, you should refridgerate it or maybe cool the radiator wit a pelt or something.


I dunno, just my two cents.

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Well thx for the replys i went ahead and did it and ive droped 7C in idle and i was running 42c idle so now im running 35c.

its been running for like 6 hours now room temps are normal and all seems good i have to fans cooling the water.

the rad is fully in the water with like half inch of water covering the rad so the to fans chill the water.



Now heres the nice thing i was runing under full load 56c now im running 43c it dont seem rite so im going to run. A few more tests on it ohh and thats full load for like 3 hours. this is all being done on a P4 2.8 overclocked to 3.4 so im preety happy if those temps are rite.




P.S ill post some pics of it when im all finished


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If you just said you used to run 56 degrees on water, even with that OC that seems too hot. Are you measuring off the mobo for cpu temp? Water cooling usually keeps the temp diode from reading correctily, try with an external temp monitor.

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I am reading off a external temp i was reading 41/43 in now im reading 34/36 this is idle and it reads this in the bios to.

It seems to work great under prime95 i never hit 50c i never thought it whould work its been hanging around in the back of my mind for a while now.

And im happy with it ill get some pics up ASAP so you can all see what it looks like

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