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Quest for ultimate OC monster?


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Personaly I would recomend the GamersX over the Powerstreem for nearly any system. It can handle more than nearly all of the other PSU's.


I would just get the Ultra D/DR unless you want to play with high volt memory which seems to have lost it's appeal.


I saw this review at overclockersonline.com and they pushed the XTC Platinums to [email protected]. This is about as high as I plan to go with these sticks, which should be more than enough using a divider. Is 3.1v high volts though, as I was looking at the SLI-DR so that I could run SLI in the future.




Dont get too excited about memory overclocks if the memory runs at normal speeds it should be fine faster memroy does give more flexabilty but with the super low latency of the AMD 64 there is very little performance gain if any. Dividers are not deadly like with Intel and old 32 platforms. That memory you have should be fine though check the database.


Yes I saw quite a few here with OCZ Gold GX XTC PC4000 and a few with the platinum GX XTC, and they both seem to clock very well. I also looked at some Mushkin redline, but they are quite a bit more expensive, and the OCZ Platinum EB PC4000, but they are very expensive here. I didn't win the lottery yet if you know what I mean, but I am willing to empty my e-wallet if thats what it takes.


one thing to condiser is Raid 0 very nice performance boost on the NF4 chipset. My Hitachi's seem sligtly faster for boot than the seagates for this.(lots of small optimised files in the boot sector).


Yes for sure I am planning to have Raid 0 for my data drives. I have two Segate Barracud (SATA2) drives spec'd out for this. I don't usually mirror my system drives, as usually I prefer to GHOST them, and then its easy to restore them to a perfect image in about 10 min.


Thanks for help,

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burntcircuit hope you will not be bummed about that MEM. Heres a post from OCZ Tony


A few have had some luck with this MEM, most have not got much out of them. You would be better to go with MEM. that has better track record. take a look in the overclocking data base.

In case your wondering why I suggest you look at different MEM. Look at my SIG.

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Powerstreams are still great PSU's...not like they all of a sudden aint good enough ;) Just gettin shoved aside for GXS really.


I wasn't really looking at the gamestream, since I just learned about it here recently. I have been spending some time looking at this thread, and found out that a huge number (84) of the entries were also using a powerstream 520W. Very few with the gamestream probably because the gamestream is fairly new.




When I first started looking at the powerstream 520W (months ago), it was the preferred PSU for the vast majority. Thats why I was looking at it, but as always things are changing all the time. I still think the powerstream is pretty servicable otherwise people would not be using it so much.


I also ran accross this thread which was interesting. I'm still studying it and think I will wait until I settle on which mobo I will use, before I pick the PSU.




Thanks OldGuy, Cheers!

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burntcircuit hope you will not be bummed about that MEM. Heres a post from OCZ Tony


A few have had some luck with this MEM, most have not got much out of them. You would be better to go with MEM. that has better track record. take a look in the overclocking data base.

In case your wondering why I suggest you look at different MEM. Look at my SIG.


catkicker, thanks for the heads up on the GX XTC Platinums. I can get these from a friend of mine in TO, for a pretty decent price, or the other option is to look at some EB Platinums. My choices are fairly limited here as far as memory goes, so I may have to live with it until I happen accross some sweet sticks.

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You're looking at old discussions though...


Look here


It's the most recommended PSU on the forum


All I'm saying is that if you have a choice between the two and the price difference isn't completely massive, it's worth it 100%



Ohh, I didn't see that post, thanks thats awesome!! I'll check out the GameStream at NCIX, and see what's up with availability...

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Well I just noticed that the Gamestream 700 is $20 bucks off on a rebate if I order it tonight. Done deal, whohooo, it looks like I'll be getting one next week. If thats not enough powa, well then I hope there will be the smell of fresh burnt circuits to fill the air with acrid smoke.

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