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Second Sata drive problems

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Hi guys i need a little help. I was running 2 WD200GB Sata2 drives in Raid0, i started to have problems with corrupt software and boot ups. So what i did was nuke the Raid and install Windows on one drive and that boots fine, no problems there. I can also plug that drive into any of the NV Sata connectors and it's fine. My problems come in when i try to connect the second drive. The computer won't boot up it just hangs at the Windows XP screen. I have tryed different Sata cables, with no luck. If i unplug the drive it will boot up into windows again.

Now i could with a bit of luck sometimes get it to boot with the second drive installed. I have allmy backup Dvds on the second drive, but if i try to burn them to disk it just locks the PC.

Now to me it sounds as if my second drive it knackered. But if someone else has a better idea a little help would be appreciated.

Luckally it is still under warranty.

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If the second drive was part of a raid 0 array all information on it is lost.

Yes that's true but i always backup my data so it's on Dvd rom. The strange thing is i have just formated the drive with Western Digitals Data Life Tools and now i can boot into windows with the second drive installed.

Does anyone know of a program i can use to check out the drive to make sure all the sectors are OK

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Well after formating my second drive, the computer has been booting up fine for around a week now. But last night while serfing one of the hard drives started accessing alot. Them it locked the computer, so i rebooted and low and behold i had problems again getting into windows. I looked at the screen while booting and sometime one of the drives wasn't listed. But it was random which one it was.

I managed to boot into windows and checked the Event Viewer and there are a ton of errors in there. So i have enabled the Silicon Image controller and installed the drivers and am now booting with that Sata controller.

It sound like to me that the Nvidia Sata on the motherboard is some how corrupt. I've tried several Sata cables but it make no difference so i don't think that is the problem.

Anyone have any other ideas before i RMA the motherboard

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