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DFI Infinity Ultra II-M2 (socket AM2) official discussion thread

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I got like 425FSB with that modded BIOS but with my current ot doesn't hike that much.I placed the RAM in the last slot and well I don't see no visible improvements.

L.E: I see taht the nVidia hardware firewall isn't active.Is this function disabled from somwhere or the drivers are not oncluded.

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Hi there,

i have (maybe) simillar problem like dragosmp. I cannot get higher then 260MHz fsb, with higher setting i always got only long beep - memory problem. No matter what divider. I am sure memories are ok, a can get beyond 800MHz 5-5-5-15 with 667 divider ( fsb 258). Do you think its a incompatibility betwen mobo and memory? (I currently don't have another modules to find out) I don't believe mobo is holding me back, CPU as well...

sorry for my english...


Hey mate. Have you tried to OC using the DDR400 divider? When aiming for the highest fsb or CPU speed the lowest ram speed should be used.

Also keep in mind that it's advisable to have the HTT under 1000MHz so keep an eye on the HTT multi so that the mobo doesn't become a bottleneck.


I want to try something and I'd like an advice from you guys. I was thinking on changing the NB HSF with something else, hopefully better. What kind of cooling are you using, the stock HSF or something aftermarket?


Dice: I was talking about the sempron 2800 AM2, I was thinking it can be activated somehow... still searching :rolleyes:

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When I had an s754 A64 2800+ I dropped the multi through windows using a soft...I don't remember which one...


This is the part that I was questioning. Depedning which s754 model you used, some actually worked with CnQ.

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This is the part that I was questioning. Depedning which s754 model you used, some actually worked with CnQ.


I was using the Atlon64 2800+ Newcastle CG :P which had the Cn'Q activated and I through a soft called Central Brain Identifier (finally found it) I could force certain multipliers as low as 4x. For example 4x is reserved only to the mobile parts thus it's unavailable for desktop parts. Through this soft I was able to use even the 4x.

With a similar trick I thought I could force a lower multi for my sempron 2800+ AM2 which has the Cn'Q disabled, but unfortunately I was unsuccessful.


Back to what I said earlier, does anybody think that better cooling could be needed for the NB of the Infinity Ultra M2?

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Well I'm back and with news on my first OC!


At first getting my ram up to it's rated 800Mhz at 4-4-4-12 seemed to be a problem, especialy being new to OC'ing, as I was setting the FSB to 220, multipliers to 10x and 4x and the ram divider to DDR2-800(which then made the speed 880Mhz) on my Infinity-II and even there with my proc running at default 2200 I got a blue screen and then the computer wouldn't boot up. I had to reset the cmos jumper just to get back to the bios. I figured my ram couldn't handle those timmings at 880 and therefore my 'puter wouldn't boot.


I put the HT multiplier to 3x, kept my CPU multiplier at 10x but changed my FSB to 241 and lowered the ram divider to 667 in the DFI bios so that my ram would run at 802Mhz with 4-4-4-12. I now had a X2 4200+ running at over 2.4Ghz with my memory now running at optimal speeds. It boots! Ran Prime95 on both cores for 7 hours and no errors. My Sandra results have improved and I've gone from 9450 in 3dMark05 to 9984!


I'm running on air, one 120mm stealth intake and one exhaust. My idle CPU temp is 33C and my full load temp is about 52C and my NF4 Ultra chipset idles at around 62C! Is this safe?


Needless to say, friendly users of DFI-Street, I'm very excited about my first OC. Everything seems faster and stable now that I'm finally running my ram at the right speed and my proc has a higher clock. But I want to know, what do you guys think of this overclock? Is my HTT Link(732x2) to slow and holding me back? Are my temps(62C chipset) going to be too high without additional cooling? I'm adding a WD Raptor today which I hear run hot, am I close to a threshold? I really have no idea.


Thanks DFI-Street, you were a big help.



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From what I've been reading a slower HT link doesn't bring any performance penalty unless you have a SLI of 2x 7950GX2 running. I have tested my old rig, an A64 sk754 @ default 800HTT and also @600 and 400MHz and there was no difference at all.

That's a nice score for a x1950pro, did you manage any OC on the VID card?

The chip temp is on par with everyone else's... I have around 58-62 depending on the case temp and regardless of the load. I was thinking on changing the NB HSF, but I'm a bit lost. I don't really know any good and cheap if possible NB HSF, they don't make this kind of roundups.

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I got the rig in my sig a couple of weeks ago. I put it in my old modded case and old psu and i need some help. I managed to boost the clock of my old socket A sempron 2300+ from like 1.6 to 2.3,2.4 what i think is not a bad res. However that was on ddr1 ram and i do not understand how the ram and cpu clock is managed when its 64bit and ddr2 option.If anyone could assist me it would be nice. I understand that when you increase fsb for the cpu , you decrease the htt multilplier? I can not manage to find that htt multiplier option in the ultraII m2 bios. And the most confusing thing is the one with the ddr2 ram. Where do you set fsb 1:1 relation? And how is performed the clocking of the ram. I am sorry to bother anyone but i have read i beleive like 5 tutorials for this and i cant manage. I thought it would be not too much complicated from old socketA overclocking but problems are the only things i encounter.Thank you for any kind of explanation.

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Hey mate, since I've just been upgraded to "DFI soldier" :P I'm gonna try to give you a little insight.


Since you've OCed before I'm not going to loose time with things like "be sure the cpu is under 55°" and such, I suppose you can find in any tutorial that.


To squeeze the last bit of performance out of your rig you can do these:


1. Find the max stable CPU freq.


The HTT multiplier can be find, like all the OCing options, in the Genie BIOS section. The first is the ram settings sub menu, second I don't remember and third is the CPU multiplier thing. We'll use them later. The fourth is the HTT multiplier (or LDT multiplier) that should be either on AUTO or on 5X.


The A64 have a stock HTT multi of 5X. This multiplier combined with the HTT speed qives you what on skA was called FSB. On the A64 since the HTT is stock 200MHz and the multi is 5X you can see that 1000MHz is a whole lot better than the FSB333 you had on soketA. People say that for a good OC, the HTT total speed (in this case 5x200) must stay under 1000. So, when you OC, let's say you put a 220HTT, 5x220=1100MHz which is not good. That's why people say that by lowering the HTT multi to 4x or 3x you avoid this impediment (4x220=880<1000)


In order to find the max CPU speed you need to do one more thing: lower the ram speed to 1:1. That can be done by selecting in the DRAM FREQUENCY field the value DDR400.


Now, I'd begin my adventure with 3x HTT multi, and DDR400.


2.Find the max ram stable freq


For that you also lower HTT multi to 3X, but also the CPU multi we talked earlier. On stock on your CPU it is 11x. Lower it to 7X. Set the ram from the bios @ DDR800 and begin pumping up the HTT until you find the max.


3. Find max OC


This is more of a math equation that pure OCing. Let's say that when finding the max CPU you found that is went up to 3.2GHz. Having a multi of 11x it means you used 3200/11=290HTT.

The max ram speed using the DDR800 setting let's say it was DDR1004 which gives 1004*200/800=251HTT


It is obvious that you can't use the DDR800 setting and also achieve the max CPU OC, since at over 251HTT its no longer stable and the MAX cpu OC is @290HTT. This is where you male a compromise:

- you can keep DDR800 setting, HTT251 thus a CPU@11x251=2761MHz

- You can lower the DDR to 667 and lift the HTT to 290. This would produce a OC ram frequecy of 290*667/200=965MHz


The thing is that in the latter case the ram isn't @max, but the CPU is. In the first the ram is @max, but the CPU isn't. I prefer the second choice, but I don't know what would be your results. Better try and fint the max CPU and max MEM, and then we'll have more to say.

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